

Welcome To Hell
The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned high school. It was rumoured that no one had walked these halls in a very long time. The virus had changed everything. The normal had became just a thing of the past.
The beginning of this story introduces the beginning of many things. Being six feet apart at all times. Receiving an education from home. Wearing a mask on your face every time you walk out of your front door. Thanks to the slip of a Chinese hand out lives would never be the same again.
Was it really an accident?
Or was it a cruel plan by man?
To cut back on population?
To do away with Social Security?
You decide!
But hurry before that is also taken away. This so called vaccine is said to change everything about us. Our blood type, DNA.
We will become a walking tracking device!
To always be controlled!
All apart of this new world order.
It's no longer welcome to anywhere. It is now welcome to Hell!

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