

mysterious with many products of my grand father
his room was fuiled with many ancient books and in the
attic he has many anicient thing like swards , maps, and an mysterious table and an unopenable drawer.
and when i was 13 year old he game me a box and the next year he passed away. when he game the box he told me you will be surprised . He told and iam also trying to open it for 5 years but i cant open it and he told after me you should take of my ancient collection. That is the last word that my grand pa told me .
And when i was 20year old i gave the box to by father and told him this the box which my grand pa gave me .
after seeing this this he told ya i know this box and know how to open it and but i dont no what is inside it .
he took an liter and keep firing on it on it top and suddenly it opens their was thnder shape mysterious key .

I asked to my faher he told i dont know what is it and he told me to try the the key to all lockers and cabord that was in my grand pa's room i also tryied but it suit for nothing and i went to the and finaly i went to the attic
and i tries to open the drayer of the table with a cracky sound the the drayer opens .................

i was sad .......'
and at the last page an line written in the launage TAMIL and it all of the screat was the WATER .
I cant understand anything and after sometime i saw a
movie in that the HERO will take a map and keep it in water and the word will be visible .
And suddenly it strikes me and i also tryied it but no result and after some time some words are visible , so i kept the book in water for 5 days .
After 5 days all rthe the word were visible and it was a brief of our family and it that my family was the most
richest and the ROYAL FAMILY IN 50BC
i was shocked and on continuied reading . AND finaly it was mentioned that their was a crystal crown in the center of the forest which was biried and only and fullmoon time the moon's shadow will fall on the place where it has burried . And an important note was person who was wearing will have unlimitted lifetime.
I told this to my parents and they din't belive it.
And finaly my father took me their with his and my friens like a picknic after reacing their after sometimes.
we started dicking we dicked for 5 hours but we got nothing .On that night we stayed their .But in my mind i was thinking how! how! how ! .
On the next day we returned home .
I was so sad about it and father told no problem tske it easy ,.
I said ok and i again start reading the book .
and at the last their was a box

And when i read it i was shocked and laughed shouter that has been heared by my father and he asked me what happen i told this is the matter he also laughed and i think my grand pa is a good and mysrisous grand pa.

Writen by Abhishek
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