

You can spot her;
at the library upstairs,
or at the cafe sipping expresso,
the blue eyes buried in the pages.
In the shadows ; unnoticed,
when all everyone want is,
to be the star of the story.
Knows all yet silent.
Misunderstood like noone else.
Speaking gibberish,
with petrified eyes and
trembling hands,
stands clueless in the stage.

Not everyone is talkative
Not everyone is self confident.
Not everyone have the knack of making friends .
But these people , labelled by us, as eccentric and weird, is a gazillion times stronger than any one of us.
Do u really think it's easy for everyone to stand alone?
There's no greater power than having the boldness to exhibit the real you ; unlike others, who mops off their true personality and wears the mask of elegance, too ashamed of themselves, that they require a mask to set things right.

If u have such a classmate , colleague or relative, there's no harm in greeting them atleast once in a blue moon.
You have no idea, maybe you'll be that " someone", who will transform their life forever.
Even a single smile holds infinite power. It spreads tons of positivity and self confidence to the prople around you.

The more you consider them strange, the more they feel isolated, and unintentionally, you end up adding names to the long tally of suicides.

If you've ever offered your hand when someone fell ;rather than sticking your phone at their face and enjoying their helplessness ,then HATS OFF TO YOU.
If you've ever raised your voice to support your nervous classmate on a seminar, then HATS OFF TO YOU.
If you've ever yelled at your friend for calling someone "fat or ugly" , then HATS OFF TO YOU.
U can't just ask a person , why he or she is "like this"? There's no bigger witless question than this.
How can you ask an introvert to change ,when half of it is already encrypted in his/her genes?