

Inner Demon (Reunion) Ep1

Description: A boy goes to a new dimension to complete a quest.
Which nobody was capable of accomplishing.


Shawn is the only child of Mrs. Asnerl, this caused him to be very timid at school, often avoiding eye contact and speaking softly.
He would shrink away from any attention and preferred to stay in the background.
Despite this, his reserved nature made it difficult for him to make friends, but those who took the time to get to know him found him to be kind and thoughtful.

"My witchcraft helps a lot, boiiiiy" Joked Mrs. Asnerl who was a witchdoctor.
She possesses a vast knowledge of traditional medicine and healing practices.
"I can't wait to use those too?" Said Shawn looking at the calender
"When you're 16, you can, it's in two days you know" Said mother with a smile.
"Yeah, No one is not even going to come anyways" said Shawn and sighed.

"Have a nice day at school" Said the mother waving at him
"I'll try" Said Shawn with a smile as the school-bus left him.
"Here we go, first badluck" He said disappointedly
His mom uses her magic stick to transport him to school as they hid in the bushes

Ron the bully and his gang notice Shawn emerging from the bushes and the bullies proceeds to push Shawn around
"You live in the bush now Shawn?" Said Ron
"Ofcourse....." Said Shawn, recieving a punch to the stomach.
"He even smells like a pig aswell" Said one of the bullies.

When a beautiful girl, with long black hair swooped in and saved him from the bullies who were giving him a hard time.
She didn't take any nonsense from them and told them to get lost. He was pretty impressed.
Shawn always had a crush on her, but this was the first time she ever noticed him, if not the first person.

"Hi, I'm Laurette" The girl introduces herself
"Are you new?" She added
"Not exactly" Shawn said with a smile.
"Where's your new class?" Asked Laurette
"My class?" He repeated
"You were suppose to choose a course last year" She said to him
"I'll help you, gotcha" Added Laurette with a beautiful smile.
That made Shawn fall for her even more.

"So what course are you into?" She asked again
"Chemistry?" She added
"Oh....I love chemistry...between" He said not even knowing what it was.
"Chemistry Madam" Said Laurette to the cashier.
"So we just wait and listen to our names being called" She added

They are both called to the same class, and decide to sit close to each other.
During school hours he sleeps off due to how boring the class was.

"Hey wake up, we need to leave, school is over" Whispered Laurette
"The teacher called you like 10 times, I tried waking you up, but it seemed like you were in another universe" She added with a smile
"I mean, who wants to sit in a stuffy classroom for hours on end listening to a monotone teacher drone on and on?" Shawn said annoyed
"Can you blame me though, the class is so boring it's enough to put anyone to sleep" he added

"You're funny" Said Laurette as Shawn blushed.
"If you want, I could drop you off at your place" Asked Laurette with a smile.
"Thanks" Replied Shawn and happily jumped in
They listened to rap songs, Ariana grande and Beyonce, then he dropped off.

© by lunatic tales