

I wanted out
This is the final chapter I'm not good at story writing it's something new that I'm trying and I hope to improve over time thank you all for your support.

Chapter 7

It was my birthday well our birthday and I couldn't wait to celebrate him. The staff was so helpful and made me feel at home apart of me wanted to stay here forever but I promise to leave after my birthday and the kiss he gave me I couldn't stop thinking about it, the party wasn't really a surprise but it was going to be splendid because I'm going to enjoy myself as much as possible. The guest were arriving I didn't know he had other friends I only knew of his best friend who is so nice to me and always treat me like his sister, what more could a young girl like me want, I did want more thou I want Alexander I still remember what he did and apart of me is still angry nothing would ever erase what happen that night but I've grown to love the man who had taken my maiden in a uncivilized manner, was it right to forgive him so fast and to fall In love, he did save me from a cruel faith. The party was progressing nicely and everyone was making there speech and well wishes to know him and to celebrate a birthday with him. In which they hopexy for so long and finally he's celebrating one it was my turn to give my blessing but instead the piano started to play and I started to sing. "I never knew love before, it could take me to new heights and all my fear Swept away, I never knew that I could cry, cry for love to enter in, please don't let me go, all I need is your love to take me away for it's you and you, I never knew love before but now my heart is whole i just need one more kiss." Everyone was silent. I saw Alexander eyes on me and he was very surprised I told him before that I could sing but he was shocked just like everyone else. When I finished the applause was so warmed and welcoming it made tears flow down my cheeks because all my life this is what I was truly made for wwa to sing. Alexander approached me and he held his hand in the air silenting everyone and began to speak. " I was very young when I came across my fortunate and the way I obtained it wasn't pleasing I had done terrible things over the years that I'm not proud of but God has given me a reason to become a better man than I was before, I was once in love before and I've never taught that it was possible for me to love again, the circumstances in which this love had manifested was painful and something I can't take back, I've met a young beautiful spirit who brought mistery and laughter to me and my staff and I would like for Laura- lee Jackson to come forward." Oh my God he had confess his love to me Infront of so much people. He held out his hand and I took it and look up in his beautiful brown eyes I wasn't expecting what he was about to do next when he went down on his knees and pulled out a small box and open it and said, " Will you marry me?" The yes came out so fast that everyone was cheering and crying and I was so happy I was crying and he pulled me closed and gave me a deadly kiss that shook my entire body. Then something amazing happen I saw two people that I taught I would t see again my parents my Mom was crying and she ran and held me so tight I wrapped my arms around her and my Dad my dear father came over and kiss me on the forehead, my mom said she was sorry for what she said to me that I love my father more than her but she realise that I gave him more love because he gave me more attention and outside he was afraid to be seen holding a white child but In that room after my father kiss me he held me infront of everyone something he never did. He wasn't scared anymore I was his baby all grown up and he realise he had no reason in the first place to be afraid of. I looked up at the man who made all this possible and he was going to be my husband I can't wait to be married to him and to feel his strong masculine body against mine. This was the best birthday ever and I was free to do what I want and with the man I fell in love with I no longer wanted out I wanted to remain here with him forever.

© Keryiann Mcneil