

To my sweet past. (challenge completed) #writersdiary.
Dear me,

If it was not for Sasa I would have never got the chance to visit you. Let me tell you, I am from your future.

Listen carefully you will face a lot of troubles, a lot of problem,but as you grow you would be immuned to them. By the time of 6 yrs you will already have your first kiss....may be forcefully but still. Do not get swayed as it will hurt you more. He will leave you. You will even face accidents too often but stay strong, as it will eventually pass. You will even loose the person who loves and accompanies you . Yes! your grandmother. So be with her more . Do not quarll, do not avoid your duties, do not be stubborn. As i now know how it feels. Yeah! Do have a lot of feast with grandmother on your 13 birthday beforehand do not wait for that day. stay with her on 9th may 2016 right from the morning.

By the way, most importantly don't believe that your besties with be you you always as mostly they will make you suffer. Some will point at you,some will say it's your falt and you are fake. But you won't know what is your falt. There will be people who are not your bestei and used to hate you, but remember they will put up with you till the end . Oh! Did I say you will leave this school and join another. There you will find friends and your confidant. So give chances to them more. Oh! Let me give you an interesting fact you will be a bit free when you are in 11 and 12. And mom will let you do party with your school friends alone.

Ah! Since I said this let me aware you do never fling your back pack on your back when you are travelling alone in a packed up bus as, by the time you are 16yrs old in class eleven, your will face your 1st ever pickpocketing. so I am giving you the piece of advice as the 1st time was a blow for you. You hard earned Rs500 is gone. And....yeah....let me make you a bit advanced....(secret: 2020 is going to be a quarantine era...no school... so think carefull about changing your school...🤫) .

Hence I would like to conclude. Rest .....there are many more but I want you to figure them out on your own as they will help you grow along with the bookish learning. Stay happy kiddo.

P.S.- Asmita shill is still your friend. so no matter what...rest assured...your friendship will grow...mature...and flourish because of all the quarlls and misunderstandings..you both face.✌

With love and best wishes...
your future you

by @__divineranian__.18
