

What does a woman want?
It was not like any other day and she was very happy...to be near to Ronald Reagan and get married to the director. Ofcourse the church was decorated with white and pink lilies and peonies and the chapel was well organized. She took a last look in the mirror and pinned some silver tulips into her hairs and her glass sandals, her flowy wedding dress and her full blossomed face which bloomed like flowers, she blushed!
Ronald was waiting and watching her moves and helped her to the altar and exchanged rings and vows. Anaida Heather was happy to hear the claps and soon the couple danced with a live orchestra and did amazing moves.
The party and feast was over and there she was in between his arms as he was kissing her all over. It was a perfect night of love and surrender, every girl's dreams. Ronald Reagen was a busy man with such big movies to direct, he was a great lover too.
The year passed making love and partying and going for two cruise holidays. Anaida wanted something more to do with her life. As standing next to Ronald made her look tiny, he was such a big director after all and a very professional one too.
Anaida wanted to see more of him and get closer to him, he was shooting with crew members and with Sylvia Frost in New Zealand and she felt a sense of captive feeling in New York.. she looked at her elegant apartment which she had took utmost care to pick up delicate pieces of paintings to wall paper and felt satisfied with red and golden curtains and blue and golden cutlery. She sipped blue tea and buried her face in a pile of satin cushions and tried to take some sleep. Sleep was far away, as past thoughts often came into her mind and she felt a sense of tension and wanted to change it!
"Why do not every story turns out the way it was planned? " mixed feelings came striking her mind as she wandered into her past and present!