

Welcome To My Hack World (Part 2)
Those notes flashing on my screen held the most powerful and dangerous information for the world to know. The list of victims never ended, I scrolled down for an hour and it wasn't stopping. Seemed like the page had no bottom rather it was falling into an infinity loop. Maybe the total number of money extracted from these victims was much more than an average MNC earns in a month.....and I was right. An average of $30,000 from each victim and the victim list was never-ending.

By now I was doubting the decisions I took in life, rather than going to college I could have joined these guys, I could have saved a few bucks and earned much more. But when I opened the page about the groups the extracted money was to be shared, I realized maybe with easy money comes tough and dangerous life. Russian and Chinese mafias were the main head and just imagining the situation of their hackers noticing the data leak and tracking me down, scares me to hell.

I remember the last news I read about the mafia, they either let their pet animals eat the body or dissolve it in acid and I wasn't liking either of them. I could open their Skype chats, now slowly I could understand the ways they evolve from time to time to scam people.

After a little research, I got to know that when hacking wasn't so widely spread, they used to scam by asking for OTP's and now they just sent an email to you and clicking on it you lose your access to thing you called "private". Never DarkWeb yourself, you would be shocked to see for how much your information is sold, it's in bulks and some private companies are involved in selling these information too. Ever thought how you get those messages regarding offers at a mall? or buy one get sale on your phones? Or Colleges telling you about seats available?

Search for Pipl.com and search yourself and you will be amazed to know the information private companies have about you and your families. Now even stalking is so easy, I don't even have to tell you or follow you in person to stalk, by just a few clicks I can access your social media accounts and see every step of yours, that's why these scammers can't be stopped, at least not by me alone.

But I can at least open a backdoor and without knowing them to leak everything to cybersecurity, but before that, I will transfer all the money these scammers extracted from their victims. At least the victims would learn from this lesson and won't fall for scams anymore. And by the way, it would be awesome to see the reactions when they see their bank account reduced to 0, maybe I can access their CCTVS and see their faces, which would help Cyber Security too. But sadly no one would know I did it, nor I can post this on Youtube.......maybe that's why heroes wear masks at times. Doing the right what matters huh? and yeah one last thing before I corrupt their network.

The most vulnerable preys to these scammers are old people, especially those who live alone, so teach your grandparents and parents about scammers, prevent them from it. Or else scammers know how to access their phones and one Whatsapp or an email link can ruin your family's life. And ENTER.

The End
© Allen George