

Heartbreak December (Chapter 8-Heartache Heroics)
"Will he be okay doc?", Zach asked Dr Cooper. "He should be if he listens to my suggestions, you know some tips to lead a healthy and happy life instead of doing all these outrageously childish stunts with himself",Zach nodded in agreement and heaved a sigh and told Dr Cooper, "Actually he was very reckless, even when we were kids, he used to hit the bullies that bothered me, straight up in the playground, he was always you know an extremist, he either loved someone with all his heart, or else he hated someone with all the power he could muster in his fists."

2 Weeks Later
"Yeah Ella, I've come to the place you asked me to be, where're y.......Oh okay you're inside.......yes I'm coming just a sec.", Denezius pulled out his purse
"There it is",he said to himself while looking at something inside the purse.
Now he went in, there was a strong smell of perfume in the air and there was a smell of freshly prepared soup, it was enchanting really, he had never been to this Japanese place called Sōrumeito, he saw Ella smiling and waving her hands from a table from the other side of the restaurant. Den sat on the chair opposite to Ella and inquired, "So, how's everything?", "Oh I've been fine, what about you Den?" ,"I've been okay, ohh I almost forgot, I had something for you, you know as a late birthday gift,here....."
Den took out The Alchemist from the inner pocket of his blazer and handed it to her, she said reprovingly, "Now now, you shouldn't have given me a birthday gift, but don't worry, I remembered your birthday and got you something too, go on and see, she pulled a book out of her handbag, upon seeing it Den was elated out of his wits, "The Tales Of Beedle The Bard, but how did you....", "Oh come on Den, the number of times you've told me stuff about Harry Potter, anyone would know that you are a Potterhead, and you explicitly told me that you didn't have any supplements apart from the series itself", she shrugged pointing out that this was obvious. "Oh I've gotten something else for you, wait lemme show ya", Den took out his purse and pulled out a small bottle of perfume, "Here, tell me whether you like it or not?" Ella sprinkled some onto her right hand wrist and smelt it, she broke the tension by smiling, "It's so subtle OMG! I love it."
Den's face relaxed, he took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead,"Phew I'm glad that you like it."

Den and Ella had ordered soup and some sushi, they were talking but Den was thinking inside that he was probably the luckiest fella in all of his block, getting to spend a day with the woman he loved wasn't easy.

Ella asked him, "So Den what're your hobbies", Den was thinking something else and as he tried to focus on the question, he lost focus on the food inside his mouth and he choked,Ella patted him on his back concernedly and gave him a glass of water to drink. He had barely finished when his phone rang, his eyebrows went up, it was Abkortas,but Abkortas Iglesias always preferred texting over calling so it might be some emergency, he picked up the call, "Hello Abkortas, ya....WHAT!You've got to be kidding yourself.....he did what the fuck man....this is crazy......yeah I'll be there.....yeah, okay bye." He looked thunder struck as he sat there motionlessly, Ella asked him, "What's up, what's wrong?", "One of my friends tried to commit suicide, I'm sorry Ella but I gotta go."

Sneak peek from Chapter 9:- "And suicide is the answer to that, no Bisar look at me, I said FUCKING LOOK AT ME.",Den yelled at Bisar as he kept his face between his palms, crying constantly.
© Dhritiman