story of Anas bin Nadhir(r.) martyrdom!
Shahaadat of Hadhrat Anas bin Nadhr ????
Hadhrat Anas bin Nadhr was one of the Sahaabah(companion) who could not take part in the battle of Badr. He very much regretted to have missed the honour of participating in the first and the most illustrious battle for Islam. He longed for a chance wherein he could make amends for Badr. He did not have to wait for long. The battle of Uhud came about in the following year. He joined the army with the most determined zeal. Despite heavy odds, the Muslims were gaining the upper hand but some people made a blunder and the...
Hadhrat Anas bin Nadhr was one of the Sahaabah(companion) who could not take part in the battle of Badr. He very much regretted to have missed the honour of participating in the first and the most illustrious battle for Islam. He longed for a chance wherein he could make amends for Badr. He did not have to wait for long. The battle of Uhud came about in the following year. He joined the army with the most determined zeal. Despite heavy odds, the Muslims were gaining the upper hand but some people made a blunder and the...