

It's his fault.
The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.
"Impossible" he thought well he was half wrong. He died 2 years ago, he saw it with my own eyes. He got in an accident together. The doctors told him that he was lucky that he survived but that his friend sadly didn't even made it. They even held his funeral. When he decides to open it he reads to the very end and is left crying looking at the screen blankly. It was about how he was feeling and is feeling. He was suppost to go to heaven but couldn't move the anger aside and rest in peace. In the accicident his friend was driving and he was staring out in space. Until the driver was distracted by the passanger. His friend didn't like him as a friend but like an enemy on the battlefield. His friend hated everything about him. He wanted him dead. He has sent that email for a warning but really he was waiting behind his friend ready to kill him when he finishes reading the email and turns back.