

Dreams and Life
One wise man said, "life js a dream and only few work hard in their daily life to achieve that dream," Life is a pretty thing only if one truly comprehends its meanings. It is not the spending of limited time with unwanted people, unwanted avocations, unwanted occasions and unwanted goals; on the contrary, life is making efforts to make the hidden imaginations in unconscious come true. It can be done only with faith in one's efforts, in God's immeasurable mercy, and in family bonding. Indeed, life is a dream, but only few turn this dream into a reality.
From the beginning, the history bears testimony to the fact that ancient civilizations, e.g., Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Macedonian, and Gandhara, were flourishing because their founding bastions were based on the backbone of its philosophers, explorers, artists, and policy makers who were adamant to turn their dream of making their homeland into reality. Whether they are Macedonian stalwarts or any other region based icons, their glory was achieved only through its people. Still, Greek is taken as the ancestor of European region. In all its bearings, all these regions suceeded through their people's faith in family bonding, patriotism, and mercifulness of God Almighty.
Also, people chose the best part of history. Do we learn from our ancestors? The story of Prophet Noah, Yousaf, Ismael or any other is not based on their cowardice or their ignorance, it is based on the lessons of life. They never dreamt only, but they followed their mark of destiny. So, life isn't just a dream, it is also a reality.

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