

A new beginning
The picture in the frame held a lot of memories. Some good, some sad. Her tired eyes roamed over it one last time before she tossed it in the fire. It was time to start afresh.
She lost all those precious people around her .Was it fate or her destiny to be lonely in life?
She thought throwing the frame away could eliminate the agony she went through so she did that.
It wasn't easy at all.
Her plight aggravated the moment she decided to move ahead but now she decided to start afresh.

Her life had become stagnant for days ever since that incident.Those memories remained hidden in her heart and mind and seeing that frame reminded her of her pain.
She fretted over her inability to progress and so realized it was high time to move on.

Moving on ,she stopped doing those things she used to do with her loved ones .
She avoided watching some shows that would remind her of her past.She adopted the habit of going to the cinema every week ,going for shopping regularly as a way of relieving stress.
She dreaded a dull mind for its ability to cause the wandering of her mind to the past she was running away from.

She stopped a while for some weeks to mark her life and the stage at which she had reached ,she realized letting go of the events that occured that could never be changed was the best decision to be made in her life.

© Ana caays