

The Offer
For the second time this evening, a scream broke the silence of the night. Bethany didn't know exactly what happened. She did know it was not safe to be outside day or night. In a blink of an eye, life had changed. Bethany could not believe her eyes, three months ago, she got the offer to take residence in Kelvin Creek. It really was the opportunity of a lifetime. Kelvin Creek was a future community funded by some of the richest people in the world.
The idea behind Kelvin Creek was simple. Group together like-minded people and eliminate some of the normal social pressures. There was no crime in Kelvin Creek, no police, there was a hospital, firemen, but nothing in the realm of law enforcement. Really, there were scant laws in the small community. The people who lived here we're all handpicked. Nine months prior, Bethany was working at a dollar store, living in the slums, while going to beauty school.
She remembered the day she was approached by Sandford Corp clearly. Fumbling with her keys, head down, about to unlock the door, to her rat-infested panic room. It was really all she could afford. Looking up, a man stood just outside of her door. "Can I help you?" Bethany said. "Bethany, my name is Victor, I have an offer for you, I am sure you will have an interest in." "Sir, I don't accept money for sex, " she sneered in response. "I can assure you, Bethany, I am not offering anything like that." He said it in such a way, Bethany believed him. "May I come in?" Bethany said, "let's just hear it right here."
Victor laid it out very clearly. This was a community and a cause shrouded In secrecy. Special people would be chosen, based on specific criteria to take residence in Kelvin Creek. You would not need money, you may be given a job, but the purpose was to fashion a community of the future. One where people got along without money, without crime, and without overbearing societal norms. Bethany was skeptical. However, she was also about to be evicted. Next stop, homeless. The process of acceptance being private online testing, and an offer for pay, during the application process, sealed her compliance quickly.
Over the next six months, once a week, she would get an email with a link for testing. The questions were strange and appeared to repeat, she answered them anyway. She was told not to speak to anyone regarding Sanford Corp, and even had to sign some papers, she could barely understand. Eventually, she was accepted. The day she left, she was told to bring nothing but herself, and one suitcase of anything she wanted. Kelvin Creek was located in very rural Wyoming. Her flight was dull and her arrival at night.
Cowering now in the small home. The nights we're growing more and more unbearable. The days we're soul shockingly scary, the nights we're twice that. 72 hours ago, the gates of hell opened in Kelvin Creek. Everyone began acting strangely. It started so abruptly, people just went haywire. At first, they were violent, which gave way to an all-out bloodlust. The things that people were doing to each other was indescribable. What made it worse, it was not confined to adults, even the children, were scary.
Her arrival at Kelvin Creek was almost dreamlike. The town had all of the modern convenience. Upon her acceptance to the community, she was told, nothing would be needed. She half expected that to be a lie. It was not. She was given a spacious, fully furnished townhome, and a bike. One thing she felt was odd, was there were no cellphones allowed and the phones available, only made local calls. The only cars belonged to the hospital. She was given a job at the beauty salon. All food was provided. On another odd note, the hospital staff was very particular about the food eaten, there were also mandatory, weekly hospital visits.
The time to get out, if she were going to get out was now. She decided tomorrow would be the day. The violence and crazy was muted in the day. Figuring, the longer she stayed hiding, the higher the likelihood of being found by the deranged people. She wondered, why had she not gone crazy like everyone else, and if there were more like her. Maybe she could find help.
Morning peeked its brightness through her windows. The earlier she got moving the better. Cracking the curtains. She saw that the main road leading out of the town was clear. This is it. Opening her door, she stepped out into the cool morning air. Taking the few steps down the porch. She immediately felt a sting in her shoulder. As the world spun growing dimmer, white hooded suits, approaching, now darkness.
Bethany awoke to the face of a smiling doctor in the hospital she recognized. She was restrained and instinctively fought against her bindings. "Bethany, please don't fight, " the doctor said. "What is going on?" The doctor eyed her coldly. "You have been a participant in a drug study. Something was discovered by accident and the United States needed a way to test how it would work on a larger scale." Bethany stammered, "what are you saying?" "I'm saying Bethany, you have been a very helpful lab rat. I won't keep you in suspense, do you know what they do to lab rats when they have served their purpose?"
Bethany knew logically what the doctor was saying. All of the secrecy. The absolute too good to be true nature. She felt like such a complete idiot. The doctor smiled. Patted her on the head, and injected something into the IV bag attached to her arm. Smiling coldly, the doctor simply said, "thank you, goodbye Bethany."

© Rising Darkstar