

A day in the life of me
Well I must say that I am sooo excited that I started my new job at dollar general 3days ago... and I love it. Had a crazy day yesterday.... my aunt that never gets sick was sick and had been that way for 3 weeks and I had no idea. she wanted me to go with her to the hospital so got me and her son my cuzzo to come and on the way we decided to stop at a family members house for a second... but sad news when we arrived there... he has been taken off the ventilator and I didn't even know he was on a ventilator... so when I got my aunt signed in I went to go see this family member.... I had no idea what I was about to see ...
he looked awful it was so sad and about a minute or two later he took his last breath.... I didn't know how to deal with this I still don't... Since. then I ask my aunt why she thought that happened and she said it was probably so I could tell my ex his cousin David how he died and show him how much I really cared for his family even when we were not together. Well that was the only thing that made any sense to me. So then trying to move on with the day to day and I hear about another friends death unexpectedly and suspicious things surrounding his death made me believe it was murder . Almost on the same day or a day later another friend that was dating my cousin gets sir lifted to Tennessee and later that day dies. So now that 3 in a very short period . My ex was in the physc ward .I tried to move on by starting a new relationship with this guy that was many years my junior. I will be 45 this year in November and he was only 24. I should have known better but I guess I thought why not nothing has lasted or been right thus far so why not try something new. In the beginning it was fun and seem to be working out but in a short 2 months it all crumbled and went to hell in a hand basket. The kid had many mental concerns. He was a compulsive lier. He was infatuated with money and power and the drug game and would like about everything. He would say he knew all these people and they all said they didn't know him. So it's like he wanted to be the cool kid on campus.... Well the best news is yet to come... Behind the scenes Drapier,Shot Gun, & Dustin were all on a mission to get me over to Drape's for him to try to get me back.... And of course he didn't have to try too hard because he and I both know we LOVE each other and that we are always going to because we... Well let me back up a little bit because we had a little blitz right there where I left and then I think back again and for a date and then I left again and I was also trying to escape from the stalker AKA Ross plus I I just want something like that all of the craziness he was talking...... it pissed me on Friday the boy never did anything wrong to me and so much I tried to tell you what's playing with it it was already everything good the people that he called his friends and mind you they said I'll be opposite of that.... no sorry may never hang out with Ross like that.... well it's not too much to back up on because I'm here again the driver and the summit forever technically are going to get it right we've been together for off and on for a year now so we have learned a lot about each other and other people... and we have the best chance we have ever had .... we might really love each other and we never want to be together it's just a matter of whether we can keep her jealousy and accusations out of the picture no matter what..... I am famous for running this is the title of my heart so I'm trying not to run all the time I like to sit and work on my issues and fix everything that's wrong..... and there's not that much wrong right now I can't think it's one thing for real... I'm naked in my Palace is everything I need them want except for my man just f****** drop the f****** drop the situation...don't want to hear about other people in their crap ...well the update is I left and have already came back and tonight starts again as usual