

secret of happy life 2
Hello I’m back and what I’m going to share today, that would bounce of from many of you. Many will just ignore it as it’s not an story, it’s my personal request to all please go through it and try to understand it.
Last month I travelled to some religious place and spend time with many santh and Yogi. What I did was to try to observe their life and learn what is their point of view on life. And what I could acquire from them is very less but a lot to live a happy life. And here are some of the very common things which one should understand and try to follow in life.


Is their anything know as destiny? What is it? Is destiny different for every different person?
Yes we do have destiny. Each and every life form have their destiny, but destiny for every life form is the same it doesn’t very from life to life. Let me make it simple, let’s think our life what we live is between two point. First point where we take birth and the other point when we die. No matter how you are what you are you will die, that’s your destiny. Our destiny is not for what we are running for its just what you want you want to leave behind your destiny.


Is there anyone like he/she is good or bad?
What I have understand according to it there is no such individual, all are same. What ever that makes us feel is our thoughts process which make us feel that by judging their act. But when we judge any one knowingly or unknowingly we connect that particular act with our life, is it beneficial in our life, if that act is not beneficial to us or to our close one than that person is bad, and so the work is also bad. ISN’T THAT TRUE, DON’T WE THINK THIS WAY?
Let me give one example to make it simple about LORD RAM.
We all love him worship him and also give an example of the ideal person. We could never think or see him as an person who can do something wrong or disappoint other. We know him as God as the greatest king. But have you noticed one thing that on which we still fighting about religion about inequality between people black and white brahaman and dalit. For which we follow reservation till now. This all things was at the time of Lord Ram also. Couldn’t he do something to stop all this, couldn’t he provide the same place to all in the society. We read so much things about him but have any one ever read this thing. If he wanted he could do it he was God he was the king. But we don’t blame for this to him because our thoughts process doesn’t let us to think. It’s all in our thoughts there is nothing good or bad human, Or good Or bad work all are the same. Just don’t judge other on your personal point of view.
To over come this good and bad we just need to avoid very few simple things like *I, ME, MY* rather then use *WE, US*.
Just remember that your destination is not what for which you are running, that is already decided. Our life is in between two dot and we have no idea when we reach our destination. So be kind and humble to all don’t judge other.
Thank you..,
© JP haldar
#writers #Happiness #Love&love #destiny #gooddeeds #inspiration #philosophy