

Good Bye Sweet n Low!
When I started working for Dr. Catherine Rakowsky at ASU in the Animal Research Center, the job title, "Reproductive Physiologists Laboratory Assistant" had absolutely nothing to do with my major course of study. I originally transferred as a Ceramics Artist, until I was laughed at when I inquired how one makes a living doing this. After changing my major to Teaching, and taking an exploratory Introduction to Special Education, I continued working in the Lab and learned something new.
One mid morning as I went towards the Soda Machine on the ground floor, after pressing what I wanted and out popped instead a can of Tab, I disappointingly took another swing at the change eating machine. This time I got what I was after and decided to take the first prize up to my colleagues.
I offered the first prize up to anyone who wanted it, but to my intrigue after they sort of sneakingly shared silent glances at each other...I had not one take.
After some inquiry initially met with suspicion, I was told that no one on that floor of the building would ingest anything with artificial sweetener in it...I became curious.
I've always been a Truth seeker having been lied to, and threatened by my own family since early childhood.
After seeking information from coworkers, a fellow lab tech passed me a note. She also explained that if I wanted this information, I would need to seek out the answers in the reference materials on my own time and keep the information to myself.
"What in the world...?" I thought.

After using the reference notes she passed me, several published Science Journals and documents as well as photographic evidence I found quickly, there was a definite correlation between Sodium Saccharin and tumors on mice at first then even more prevalent on human unborn fetuses. There was a definitive pattern of not only miscarriages but tumors on the unborn fetuses with the mother having ingested regular amounts of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy!
I was shocked, and wanted to know more but unfortunately no one wanted to engage in any conversation regarding my findings which had been guided by another lab tech.
I wonder to this day, why after Scientific evidence had been published as proof of artificial sweeteners causing Cancer, how people were basically ignorant to the facts and continued to consume this harmful chemical additive intentionally, as well as how they were misinformed that it was better than sugar.
Unfortunately, it was well guarded and not willingly discussed.
So, although I'm not an intentionally cruel or mean individual, after reading the headlines today about the Saccharin Magnate - "Wealthy Sweet’N Low magnate Donald Tober leaps to his death from NYC apartment" I guess I'm not surprised.

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