

On social media, the unexpected is usually formed. Write a story about your unusual experiences on the internet.

In this year when concetrating in social media finding the good account of publishing my poems. I thought only after having an account it will help rich to my stars. I found allot of different account and try to sign in. But nothing I could get. Some of the account need subscription and your number and not be at where you want to be after submit your work.
But dew to social media I have got a good account. Its name is WRITCO ACCOUNT.
Do you know who has show me that account?
That is another story.

In social media I have download different aps like, WRITCO account for writing my poems, story and quito. Instagram for searching my fellow friends and have new friends, and I have know how people are using it as business. Google for searching materials like notes. Chrome for downloading different activity like music. What Up for communication and poot people to came across and see each other in where they are. Also posting things and share and have groups like Face book.
Those are only example of social media in internent that I have experiance with them

But all in all sometime you can search Some things which it is not in the apps. But it can give you Some things which is nearest in what you want and if not help, they can advice you what to do and if not help they ask question in order to get the feedback.
© Husna Johari