

61 Days (Chapter 1)

Pov : Anarkali Devi

There's no pleasurable feeling than completing your College degree, maybe it differs but for me it's a pleasure.
I'm an undergraduate in Psychology and my dad wants me to do Post-graduation in that and I'm.

Right Now, I got three months of vacation. I feel like flying there's again pleasure in vacation, you feel yourself in the way you wanted to be. It was always like that, we have the urge to feel ourselves in vacations and breaks of life.

And I had my fierce goal of my life and I have been asking to my dad from a year and now, I got his permission. That's how a typical Indian family works, you've to be determined about it for years, parents will test that it's really a goal or lust. But in my case it wasn't a lust it's my goal, that let me to ask for a year.

"Dad, Let's go now I had filled the Form" I said to him after giving my resume details.

It might sound simple, but for me it's Cool.
I would love to a two month Internship in a dream Industry.
I always loved to work with machines than humans, but also psychology is a passion for my own.
I want to do an internship in an industry as a Personal Assistant or Psychologist.

The Company "Critics Overview" wasn't an easy piece of cake. It's tough to enter. When my School gave us an industrial Visit to the company, I was mesmerized by the infrastructure and Working system of it.

It's been years but still it felt like a dream.
I had attended their three round interview.

One is Group collaboration, I talked about Effective coping up methods in work, Second one is Team making, a Team should do a project without a leader and it's honestly cool, and Third was a personal interview, in three rounds I got a win. I win because I liked to be here.

Even for an internship candidate they testing their skills are perfect.

Today I filled the form in the main desk and I sat with my dad in the reception with excitement and no nervous. I'm doing the job I'm gonna love.

"In Ten Minutes, Candidate 420 be ready"

the reception announced, the atmosphere of candidates had a giggle because of me, I scratch my head in smiles, I looked at my dad and he was already staring

"Dad?" I was bit concerned

"You really need to do an internship here?"

"I love to do dad, and if even I'm not selected, it doesn't mean I'm rejected, I'll see some other position, I'm not rooted to have this or that, I'm just passionately obsessed, it's alright" I smiled
"Yes, I'm happy. you should know when bad times comes, we are not defined by any just one thing, you've a lot of opportunities, go for it, you've my support"

"I know dad" I felt my heart smile.

"And if you feel any kind of job harassment or workload, feel free to punch him down and knock him off" my dad action with his hands that made me laugh.

"Sure, I'll protect others too" I assured his dilemmatic mind again and again.

"Miss Anarkali Devi, you may enter please" the reception bolded their voice, I just peeped in to check where it's a girl or boy, the voice is confusing. A girl. A women. A Mother I guess she is.

suddenly there's a chill, over veins I pressed my dad's hand immediately and went inside with my smile and check files.

"May I come in Sir"
"Come in Please Miss" a bold and old voice, I can sense.

I see this is not just an interview, but a board member meeting.

A Goat in Lion's Den. that's what I can feel.

5 Male and 1 Female HRs, showed me silently this workplace is dominated over Male Powers.

"Good Morning Sir and Madam" I said looking all.

"Delightful Morning, Brief about yourself" the lady smiled.

Thank God, All my school life I thought "Brief is to explain, but Brief is to short it" sometimes college life is useful.

"As you can see my files mam, I'm Anarkali Devi and had my Undergraduate in psychology, in a reputed university. I'm a fast learner and wandering for anything I'm curious" I smiled.

"Your Strengths and Weakness?" a Male HR asked without tone in his words, but I've to keep my professional smile

"My strength is I'm Avid Reader and Good observer and Listener, also I can work alone good, My weakness is I'm strive for perfectionism in every field I'm in, I'm trying to change or adapt that personality " I smiled.

One HR raised his hands to have his way of question, and I know it's gonna be something like this "You Wore a White shirt with Black tie, you're always like this or just for an interview?" his tone held something, I dislike to take.

"Sir I'm often like this, when I feel like I wanna dress up I do like this, I feel comfortable wearing less cloths and wearing formal cloths is one of my sign for saying 'staying away to scumbags, and stay with me to genuine souls' it's always like this sir, I do wear girlish dress, my mood right now allowed me to be confident and I'm wearing something which is eligible enough to see" I smiled in stones.

There's a silence, I don't feel like I take this far, but his face was glimmering in red like I scolded him, it suits for whoever fits.

"You're a Psychology student, why you are here in an Architectural firm?"

"I'm here to help people on sort of their silence, Good peoples yield good productivity, for that their thoughts are needed to be heard, it's not people needed a solution, they just wanted to be heard, and they felt like someone is hearing, their heart strive for a solution which can be very effective, it goes the same for people"

"Good" he said

"What you're seeking for?" another Male HRs with piercing look asked me, I had an uncomfortable feeling still continuing the professional smile.

"Sir, I'm looking for new surroundings, exploring mindset, and heart's desire. the position I love to work is personal assistant or personal psychologist, I want to be close with someone who's productive is directly put into actions" I had a determined look. Ofcourse, I learnt professional skills, so I know how to act well.

"So you're going to here for just two months?" a confused HR asked.

"Yes sir, I've got to do my Master's degree in psychology, so I've just two months of gap and I would love to be productive" I smiled.

"So you're here for an internship?" the Lady asked.

I had a pause, I looked at her eyes directly "I would like to work here for two months than having an internship mam"

I guess, I just suprised everyone in the room, including me.

"What?" a bald head HR asked. it seems he's speaking with his belly, a large conference table still can't cover his pot belly.

"Sir, when I think about it I don't just need observation, guidance or information, but the experience to grow, I know it's too challenging to work, but I've to improve myself, I would love to have my presence in this workplace as a worker, a useful resource than an helped intern, I want to work together with you people, I want to know you peoples, about you, your company and what those efforts made me took those seats, please allow me to get invited among you" I had a professional tone and determining look as like the paper I learnt in college, Acting level.

Did I acted too much, why there's no words, I guess I'm going to get eliminate, for Changing my designation within a span of time, maybe they gonna think I'm not capable enough to choose my field, maybe they gonna think I chooses internship and now job because I don't have that work qualification and I'm changing it now.

"Miss Anarkali Devi" the HR who haven't met my sight when I greeted him Good morning, spoke to me.

"You'll be called for the final hearing after a week, let's discuss the rest"

and I found the rest of the people discussing about me, what I have done?

I thanked them and went out of room, everyone was curious about me, I smiled and said it went good. My dad asked me I took too long time, and I assured him I did my good, I looked at my wrist watch it's 12pm. Maybe they discussed this much because they got hungry? It's their lunch time I guessed. I said a laugh and travelled with my dad.


"Are you saying she's suitable?"
"Yes, let's try"
"Sir Dhruv hate girls"
"We are hiring her as a personal assistant nothing to do to hate him"

he saw Anarkali Devi along the large transparent window.

© Isai