

true love
What goes on in your mind when you read a true love story?

Let me be the first one to answer this question. Stories about What goes on in your mind when you read a true love story?

Let me be the first one to answer this question. Stories about true love always fascinate and inspire me.

True love stories motivate me to open my mind and dig my heart deeper to nurture those selfless pure thoughts and emotions of love.

Such stories of love help me understand the concept of love and relate it to my own life.

I learn a lot about how to make my love reach the heights as depicted in the true love story, but at the same time I remind myself that my life is different and my story of love is unique.

My love story may not be the same as those of others, but the concept of true love remains the same with everybody, no matter what part of the world they live in.

Today, I just want to share a true love story that I’d heard from a dear friend sometime back, and I’m sure it will touch your heart just as it did mine.

But let me first start by asking you, that do you know what true love is?

What is True Love
Most people who say that they love someone don’t really love them, because they don’t really know what love really is. I don’t say I know it fully well as yet either, but I’m learning.

I do know that love is neither lust, fear, possessiveness, jealousy, nor is it expecting something from someone.

If you wish to know and explore more about what love is, then you need to read my earlier post titled:

>> Understanding true love between two people

Not only love, this post will also make you understand what true love is all about. You’ll come to know that real, true love IS unconditional.

There are many kinds of love and there are also different stages of love, which often culminate at the stage called true love, where the couple become soulmates.

Read through this true love story about a couple’s love for each other and you’d know what I mean.

“Love is giving and it has nothing to do with what you receive.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

A True Love Story
Paul and Wendy were married for 60 years. Though Paul was 84 and Wendy was 80 years old, their love seemed so fresh and young – a bond of true love.

My friend, who is a doctor, first met the senior couple when Paul brought Wendy in a wheelchair to the hospital for a normal check-up.

Who says that only young lovers can spread the fragrance of love?

My friend found this old couple a sight to see – they looked ever so in love, always smiling at each other, and had an aura of understanding around them.

Paul took pride in pushing his wife’s wheelchair and taking care of her, while Wendy showed signs of contentment on her face as she had complete trust and faith in her husband.

Wendy was suffering from osteoarthritis, and her old age made the matters worse. She needed regular treatment.

After a few weeks of treatment she started improving, however, she still needed to visit the hospital frequently for routine check-ups.

Even though Paul himself wasn’t that fit enough and age had weakened his body, but he was still strong mentally and wouldn’t make any compromises for the love of his life.

He had to travel great distances and spend a lot of money, yet he refused to take her to just any hospital as he only wanted the best treatment for his love.

As time passed by, the serious effects of the disease and failing treatment started showing on Wendy’s health. Yet, my friend could see the love and respect they had for each other.

Paul would just remain quiet and Wendy would read her husband’s love through his silent eyes. They didn’t need any words to express their love, as true love needs no language.

One day, as my friend hadn’t seen the couple for a few days, she called up Paul as part of the routine follow-up on her patients.

That’s when she learnt that Wendy had passed away a week back due to complications of hypertension.

As Paul conveyed all this in a shaky voice to my friend, he broke down. It was the first time in five months since my friend had known him that he cried or showed any helplessness.


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love always fascinate and inspire me.

True love stories motivate me to open my mind and dig my heart deeper to nurture those selfless pure thoughts and emotions of love.

Such stories of love help me understand the concept of love and relate it to my own life.

I learn a lot about how to make my love reach the heights as depicted in the true love story, but at the same time I remind myself that my life is different and my story of love is unique.

My love story may not be the same as those of others, but the concept of true love remains the same with everybody, no matter what part of the world they live in.

Today, I just want to share a true love story that I’d heard from a dear friend sometime back, and I’m sure it will touch your heart just as it did mine.

But let me first start by asking you, that do you know what true love is?

What is True Love
Most people who say that they love someone don’t really love them, because they don’t really know what love really is. I don’t say I know it fully well as yet either, but I’m learning.

I do know that love is neither lust, fear, possessiveness, jealousy, nor is it expecting something from someone.

If you wish to know and explore more about what love is, then you need to read my earlier post titled:

>> Understanding true love between two people

Not only love, this post will also make you understand what true love is all about. You’ll come to know that real, true love IS unconditional.

There are many kinds of love and there are also different stages of love, which often culminate at the stage called true love, where the couple become soulmates.

Read through this true love story about a couple’s love for each other and you’d know what I mean.

“Love is giving and it has nothing to do with what you receive.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

A True Love Story
Paul and Wendy were married for 60 years. Though Paul was 84 and Wendy 80 years old, their love seemed so fresh and young – a bond of true love.

My friend, who is a doctor