

"I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!
Yes, it was bit tough to me to convince myself that I won the lottery.But I was really much happy at the same time was little bit shocked too".
Let's go on with him. He actually was bit confused what to do up next . Suddenly walked forward and went a store near him and bought a soda. He Immediately drank it up within one breath.Then was concentrating on his look
at a same direction which takes him deeply
at the depth of his past events which put him really on all his struggles that he passed throughout of a long time of years and years even about his distressed life.His eyes were wet and was totally broken.Suddenly he heard some body was calling him out and he returned back to his present state.

"Hello...... it's 10 rupees", Said the shop owner.

"Oh!.... Yes sorry ,here is your money".He
bought his balance and kept in his pocket and moved on.While he was walking actually was thinking about something .His thought was about the huge amount which he is going to receive that he never ever seen before till his age of 45.No ,he was not greedy at all but was too innocent because his thought was how to handle such a large amount of money.He couldn't
concentrate on anything.And was till on the way back to his home.

"Hey!.......no......look it's a car......"A man who was walking through the road was shouting.

"Can't you see any thing?Are you mad?
Hey! where are you?Who this hell actually just to die so that others should worried of him", "Dammit" .He murmured and walked away.

Ramu was actually in his deep thoughts.So he couldn't concentrate on any thing else.So a car came to crash him and when he got scolded by a man who passed the road that so he came back on his present condition and walked with his lottery ticket.Finally he returned back to his home.He removed his chappal and got inside with a pleasant smile .

"Pappa.......what is the matter ?Why are you so happy at all?Any good news?"
asked his elder daughter Riya.

"Nothing baby you will get marry soon.No need to wait so long"He completed.
With bit confused she went with a pleasant smile and of shy face by hearing the good news of her proposal.Yes,Riya his first child who passed her age of 29 and was till not got married because of their financial crises.




His three children called out him one by one.

"Oh! my sweet hearts......"

"Come to me ....."He called out them and kissed them up .

"Pappa I need chocolates "The smaller one said .

"We need too...." the other two of them shouted.

"Sure.... sure... not only chocolates but also sweets and ice cream also everything you want". He smiled and replied.

"Oh! really ,Pappa did you won lottery
otherwise you can't by all these"Commented the second last one and was laughing by covering her mouth with her hands.The other two also was laughing on such a comment.
But Ramu was enjoying their comments
and was looking at them with full of love
and simplicity.And was saying himself that.

"Yes my babies, Your pappa won the lottery a huge amount of money that never we can dreamt and it's almost an end of our sacrifice my babies.Yes , everything thing is going to end .No more I should down my head before you when you ask chocolates to me.No more lie should I want to tell I will be with it at night and no need to come late at home because of I couldn't bye it for you all. Everything going to end up .And your pappa is going to treat you more and more enough till you says to stop it's enough .Yes ,my children yes pappa is going to make all your dreams true .... dreams true........"He wiped out his tears and moved on.

On the way to his room he saw his second child Mahesh and went near him.

"My son"

"Yes pappa"

"Your tution fees will be payed soon "

"No need of it pappa I can study well even without going for the tution .It's ok pappa leave it"Mahesh replied.

Suddenly Ramu hugged his son because of his sacrifice for his father that he is going to stop tution not to struggle his father to pay his tution fees.

"Ramu.......did you back ,Come let's eat something "Her wife called out him to have his dinner.

Ramu was confused that ,why did she called out him for having his dinner because he didn't bought any thing for cooking food .

"Don't need to look strange.Our neighbour Shreya came to our house because she heard our children were crying out of hunger and when I was trying to calm down them she was with some vegetables and rice . She gave it to me and said that cook it for them .I was too shamed of to took that but for our children I did so."

"Come I know you are really hungry"

"Let's have our dinner "She called her husband.

After his food he went to bed with his wife and his five children .And was trying to say something.

"Can I share something with you all?"

"What pappa ? what's the matter?"asked the elder one.
Ramu was then still smiling.

"Why are you laughing ? Everything fine?"
"I didn't saw such a smile in your face before."Ramu's wife completed.
And till he was with a smile.

"Pappa......tell me ? Oh!.....I think you take much food .So you are happy right"The last one was commented.

"Hey!foolish , don't open your mouth please.Pappa is not greedy as you to be happy with having the food.Look.... How stupid it was"said the third one.

"Don't say anything about my sweety"
Let her tell, what she want to.She is my baby".He looked at his younger child with a eyes full of love and affection.And rubbed her head and smiled at her.

"Fine ,pappa you didn't even tell us the matter".The elder one asked.

"It's going to be an end of all our problems" He told .

"It means "mother asked.

"Pappa!......what are you telling
about?".The second one asked .

"Yes ,my son no need to stop your tution more".

"And yes Riya my sweet heart no need to sacrifice more .You get marry soon".

"And my babies pappa can buy chocolates
for you on any time you wish".

"And you my soul my soulmate your husband is going to buy saries for you each and every day ".
And he was crying like a child.

"Oh !no what happened? Oh! why are you crying?".His wife hugged him.And was saying .

Hey!...What is this even crying like a child.

"I made all you to struggled a lot" I didn't meant so.But..."He couldn't complete.

"Pappa...... don't cry it is too hard to see you as this ...pappa.... don't .... please"
Riya and his second child Rahul consoled him.

At finally he left out the secret.

"And yes my children I won the lottery .And we are going to earn a huge amount of money a very huge amount a very huge amount".

"Hey ! what was that, I didn't heard this before from their side ....They are too much happy !" and was peeping on their house and saying that;

" Oh ! my goodness feeling really happy to see them on such a state"

Yes ,it was their neighbour Shreya who was really excited to see such a great state of pleasure from their side ' cause she always only saw their state of distress throughout and was actually wondered to see them on such a very happy condition.
It was middle of the night in which all the houses in that street were lighted up because of the sound that came from Ramu's house .And the street dwellers were saying that ;

"What was that !"

"What happened!"

"Is this sound is from Ramu's house"

"Something had happened !"

"What will be that!"

All such questions ended with the answer that nothing in this world can be as impossible or anything in this world can be possible .Yes,he made it and he made it finally .The blessed angel in his life met him as a lottery ticket which he meant to took it for helping a lottery man who was struggling enough for selling his tickets even though Ramu's pocket had only filled with the 100 rupees which he meant to kept it for his children who didn't have their food for many days .And but was not informed that the ticket he took for helping a lottery man who was really a stranger to him filled with the value of one crore for whome do not have atleast a single one rupee coin in his pocket .Now he is an owner of one crore which he got from a lottery ticket . A lottery ticket of sacrifice .A lottery ticket of uncounted blessings.Yes,a lottery ticket of miracles.

© Aami