

Burning Embers: To catch a bow
As the days grew into weeks, our relationship grew from a spark into a roaring bonfire. We'd go to the movies, sharing popcorn and quiet giggles in the back row, feeling like we were the only two people in the world. The theater's velvet seats cradled us as we held hands, the flickering images on the screen playing second fiddle to the love story unfolding between us.

We'd argue about the books we read, our debates a delightful tango of differing opinions. Her passion for the classics clashed with my love for modern tales, but it was the fire of our discussions that made me realize how much I craved her mind. The way she saw the world, through the lens of poetry and prose, was a revelation to my mundane existence.

Our dates evolved into a ritual, a sacred dance that only we knew the steps to. We'd go to church on Sundays, her hand in mine, her voice a harmony to the choir's hymns. Afterward, we'd walk in the park, discussing the sermon and sharing our thoughts on God and salvation. Her faith was a beacon, guiding me through the fog of doubt that often shrouded my own beliefs. It stirred up a Song inside us both:

Walking through the love lane
My steps have found yours.
Our love will blossom
Like the Lily of the Vale
Because we are rooted
In the Lord’s bosom

Give me your hand
Let’s walk on the timeless sand.
Peaceful, with a joy so real.
For this love that I feel
Is a fire under my feet.
In you, I see a myriad of sunsets.

In the kitchen of my apartment, we'd cook elaborate meals, our laughter mixing with the sizzle of onions and the clinking of wine glasses. We'd dance to the rhythm of our own hearts, our bodies moving in sync as if we'd been doing it for a lifetime. Our love was a symphony, each touch a note played with precision and feeling.

Our conversations grew more intimate as we shared our deepest desires and darkest fears. The walls we'd built around our hearts crumbled brick by brick, leaving us exposed and vulnerable. We talked about sex, not as a mere act, but as an expression of love, a sacred bond that we both yearned to explore.

One night, under the soft glow of candlelight, we confessed our love for each other. It was raw and unfiltered, the kind of declaration that didn't need flowers or grand gestures, just two souls laying bare their truths. "I love you," she whispered, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I love you too," I replied, my voice thick with emotion. It was a moment that defied the chaos of the world outside, a sanctuary of our own making.

@ thegloriouswrits