

Reincarnation (chapter 9)
"I can't believe you have a sister Yang Jian! We were best friends yet you never told me!?" My brothers friend, Yun Xi exclaimed with an aggravated look.

"Brother~ I'm hungry, feed me that." I whined as my brother nodded, ignoring Yun Xi as he used his pair of chopsticks to feed me.

"Thank you~" I thanked, giving him a sweet smile.

"W-what the... You actually… Oh my gosh, you showed another expression other than your deadpan for once! I wonder what the others will say if they saw that!" He exclaimed loudly.

"You won't tell anyone! Big brother's expression is for me only!" I exclaimed pouting at the guy.

~Host, his favorability rose to 230.~

"T-that was…" Yun Xin stutter out with his head down, trembling slightly as I tilted my head.

"A-Adorable… C-Can I have her as my siste-" Yun Xi tried saying, "NO." My brother stated angrily with a foul mood.

"Brother why are you mad? I'll only become your sister so don't worry." I reassured him as he nodded, glaring at his friend harshly.

~Host his favorability rose to 240~

"Brother… May I come with you to the academy?" I asked with a pitiful look.

"… My teacher said that he needs to assess your personality first to ensure that you don't disturb people." He replied slightly reluctant about something.

"What is it brother? You look reluctant." I asked him innocently, tilting my head slightly to further increase the effect.

"I… I don't want anyone to see my adorable sister." He sighed.

I sweatdropped mentally at his words before replying, "But I wanna stay with brother." I replied pitifully with my puppy eyes.

"Of course." He replied with a slightly smug expression, patting my head.

"Okay, let's go to the sect after this." My brother spoke out determinedly.

"Okay brother!" I cheered excitedly.

• • •

My brother, held my hand and in a flash we appeared outside a sect. "Let's go." He looked down at me as we began walking to enter the sect.

"Big brother?" I asked, "Yes?" He asked back patiently.

"Where's your friend?" I questioned.

"Him? No need to worry, he'll be here sooner or later." My brother wanted to scoff at him but held back his tone as I saw his lips twitch.

"Okie~" I replied back cheerfully.

~Host… It's because the male lead really wanted a younger sister and since you had amnesia, he announced himself as the older brother.~

On our way to my brother's destination, we were met with a lot of people gossiping about me being his lover.

~Host you actually don't really look like him.~

~Face features and you have a smiling expression on right now and the male lead never really smiles so no one knows.~

I clung onto his hand tighter as I hung my head low. My brother who somehow got my sign swept me off of my feet and princess carried me.

Glaring at those female disciples who were loudly gossiping about me as he snarled, "Those who speak nonsense about her again shall face my wrath."

A frost like aura quickly spread around the area as many people began shivering, "Big brother… I'm cold." I tugged onto his hanfu[1] shirt softly and whined.

[1]: Ancient chinese clothing

Leaning closer into his chest as I snuggle up for warmth, "Sorry Ting'er, it was brother's negligence." He replied with a small smile.

[Author's POV]

Those disciples who were warily watching the couple nearly gasped out loud at the sight.

Their ice cold 'god' actually smiled… S.M.I.L.E.D

He had never smiles throughout those years when they saw him. Not when the master praises him, gives him a grand gift or anything.

But here he was, smiling at that beautiful young lady in his arms.

Some disciples who observed more closely sensed that the two were actual siblings and not a couple especially since they looked alike.

Since the female dropped her smile and remained a blank but dazed expression, she looked almost akin to their 'god'.

[Not really accurate but back in the olden days childhood friends, mostly girls, would call their male childhood friend as brother.]
[Back to normal POV]

"Disciple greets master." My brother placed me back on the ground as he kneeled down to greet his master.

Following suit behind him as I copied he same bow he did, "Ah… Yang Jian you are bac- There is two of you?" He questioned, staring onto both of our backs.

"Master, this is this disciples sister." He announced respectfully, "Your sister? You've never mentioned one before…" The master murmured under his breath softly.

"Ting'er, this is my master." My brother helped me up as I looked up at the master with a small smile.

"Hello, this lowly one is Xiang Ting." I greeted like how the people would greet their elders, however as I said that the master frowned at my actions and helped me up after I bowed down.

"Call me Master Guo." He said gently before turning to look at my brother, "Call the others here. We are going to make arrangements for her to stay." Master Guo said as my brother nodded with a slight bow.

"Be good, Ting'er. Brother is off to find his friends." He informed me as I pouted at his words, eventually I nodded as he left after giving me a small smile.

"Xiang Ting…" Master Guo murmured my name, "Yes master Guo?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"_How lethal…_ Uh, so Yang Jian is your brother?" He whispered something under his breath before he asked me seriously.

"Yes… My family say that we look alike though." I replied with large grin on my face. 

"Hm… Okay, since your brother will take a while, come into my house and have a talk with this old man." Master Guo says with a kind smile.

I gazed as his smile, trying depict any negative emotions with his smile but there was none so I nodded, just as I was about to leave.

My brother grabbed onto my hand, "I'm here. There's no need to follow master Guo in." He said emotionlessly.

"Sorry Master Guo, I'll just stay with my brother." I explained meekly, clinging onto my brother's sleeve.

~Host his favorability rose to 250~

"Haha alright than. Don't need to be so overprotective Yang Jian." Master Guo chuckled under his breath amusedly.

"The others are coming soon." Yang Jian ignored his master as he tended to me.

In a quick flash, lights flew over to this courtyard and caused a slight tremor to the earth for a moment.

Ad the light subsided, I saw 6people come out from the light, 3girls and 3guys equally.

My brother only glanced at the light were as I hid behind his body.

"This disciples greets our master." They said simultaneously.

~Pfft! Yes!~

"Good good… Come here, we will have a special edition to our courtyard now." Master Guo ushered them towards him as they walked towards us.

All of them didn't notice me as they went nearer. "Who is it master?" One voiced out.

"This is our new addition. She is not a disciple yet but I'll take her in as my granddaughter and we'll decide on it later." Master Guo explains as my brother snapped towards his direction.

"You are not her grandfather." He stated with his forehead scrunched up together.

"Don't frown brother, you look better smiling." I told him as he looked down at me with one side of his lips hooked up into a small smile.

"Sorry Ting'er." He said as he patted my head, quickly changing his expression again as he saw the reactions of his dumbfounded fellow brothers and sisters.

Master Guo ignored what my brother said as he ushered me to come out from behind my brother.

I looked at him nervously before I peeked out from behind my brothers back, "Hello…" I squeaked out shyly before hiding my head back in once again.

~Wow… I- You really can act as anything…~

"Who was that?" One murmured under her breath, "Anyways did you guys saw Yang Jian smile." A guy disrupted their whisperings.

"Don't worry Ting'er, they can't harm you." My brother said gently as I nodded, slowly stepping out from behind him with my head hanging low.

I glanced up at them every now and then with a fluster look.

"She's adorable!" One lady with a large bosom squealed out as she stared at me with her large sparkling eyes.

"Hello miss… You are very pretty." I complimented her as my blush grew redder, "How cutee." She couldn't help but gush over me.

"Come here to this big sister okay." She asked with her hands spread out, asking for a hug.

I nodded and walked towards her but was stopped by my brother as he grabbed me by my hand.

"She's my sister so don't touch her." My brother said stoically.

"Hmph, whatever icy. No one cares, come here little girl." She called out to me.

"Brother." I whined, looking at his hands that are grabbing onto mine as it tightens every second.

"It hurts." I said with a pout before he came to a realisation and let go quickly, I watch as my wrist turned dark red which in comparison to the paleness of my skin looked horrible.

"*Gasp* Brother didn't mean to!" He frantically says as he kneeled down to my level to check for my wrists.

"It's alright… I wanna go to the pretty big sister." I said, pointing towards the lady.

"Yeahh icy, she wants to go to the pretty big sister." She mocked my brother.

"Don't mock my brother." I pouted sadly as the lady looked shocked, "Sorry." She gave me a smile im return.

~Host his favorability rose to 270.~

"It's okay." I smiled back as I went towards her, my brother reluctantly let me go as he stared at my back.

~I think it's considered super over protective.~

I went straight to her inviting arms and gave her a hug, I enjoyed the embrace of the softness as I melt in her arms.

~Host are you kidding me?~

"Alright thats enough." My brother whom all of the sudden carried me away say with a foul mood.

"Are you okay brother?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

"Next time don't hug people for too long." He replied back sternly, "But she's very soft and warm…" I trailed off sadly.

"Hah, icy. You're too cold." She mocked under her breath.

"Don't come near her ever again." He replied with a light scowl on his face.

"*Ahem* As I was saying, she'll be stating with us." Master Guo coughed to get our attention as he said.

"Yes! Can't wait to see this cutie again." The big lady smiled excitedly, the other two female disciple were also excited as their eyes glowed in excitement.

The two male disciples also looked like they were gushing over me while the other disciple looks salty.

~Huh? What for?~

~Uh… I don't have salt.~
© Naruko