

Dangerous Love - 3
It was a evening time everyone was at their home. Myana was in her PG. Suddenly her phone begin to ring. It was Maithili.
" what are you doing" asked maithli in soft tone.
" well nothing much" said Myana.
" Look I am sorry for the behavior and attitude. I was rea rude to you today. I don't know what came over me. I am in stressed" trying to convince Myana about it.
"It's ok. I can understand what you are going through. Exams always give fear and I know about your mood swing. Don't worry everything will be fine. If you need i can help you"
" you are so sweet and nice. I have behaved in such a way but still you are really kind to me" said Maithili.
All of the sudden phone get disconnected as Myana's phone battery drain. There Maithili was deep thought. She never behaved in such a way.
Sam and kabir were sitting in the park. They were discussing about the incident which took place in the college and ice-cream parlour.
" We need to talk to Maithili. She need our help. She going through something which may be the reason behind her behavioural change" said sam
" leave it, she is girl and girls always behave like this. No one has understand them. Then how can you expect to understand Maithili and her bege" said kabir as he felt insulted by Maithili's behaviour.
" you know very well about her. Lets talk to her . come on yaar. She is our friend. We need to help her. Otherwise it can turn out to be dangerous" trying to convince Kabir.
" fine".
Maithili was standing near the mirror. She was having a pocket knife in her hand.
Her personality was transforming. She felt as she is turning into evil. But some of her thoughts were blocking her mind. Her phone rings. She came back to her sense and throw away pocket knife on the dressing table

© bunny