

I Was Home

The rhythmic clatter of the train lulled me into a state of disquietude. I was a passenger on a journey with no destination, a traveler without a map. My memory was a blank canvas, the details of my life, the reasons for my journey, all washed away. All I knew was that I was on this train, gazing out the window at a landscape both familiar and alien.

The sun was setting, painting the sky in streaks of crimson and gold. The train rumbled through valleys where wildflowers danced in the breeze, and over rolling hills dotted with ancient, moss-covered ruins. The air was thick with the scent of pine and damp earth, a union of nature that seemed to echo my own internal disquiet.

But despite of the uncertainty, there was a strange sense of peace. I didn't know where I was heading, or why I was even on this train. But I knew that I was witnessing something special, something that few people ever got to see. And for that, I was grateful.

As dusk settled, casting long shadows across the land, I saw it. A shimmering light, emanating from the heart of the forest, pulsating with a beautiful glow. It shined upon me, promising answers and a peek of the unknown. I couldn't resist its allure.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I disembarked the train at the next stop, a tiny, sleepy village where time seemed to stand still. The villagers, weathered by the elements and time, looked at me with curiosity, sensing the stranger within. But their silence was comforting, as if they understood the weight of my silence, the mystery that cloaked my journey.

The light led me deeper into the woods, where ancient trees stood like silent guardians, their branches reaching towards the star-dusted sky. The air grew heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, kindof the cycle of life and death.

Finally, I found it. A clearing bathed in the exquisite glow of the light, revealing a sight that left me speechless. A vast, ancient tree, its bark etched with the passage of centuries, stood at the center of the clearing. Its branches, gnarled and twisted, reached towards the heavens, as if trying to touch the stars.

From its heart, the light pulsed, emanating a warmth that filled me with a feeling of peace and belonging. As I approached the tree, I felt a surge of energy flow through me, a healing balm to my troubled soul.

I didn't know what the light meant, or what secrets it held. But I knew, with a certainty that transcended words, that I was where I was supposed to be. This train ride, this journey into the unknown, had brought me to this sacred place, a sanctuary of mystery and revelation.

And as I sat beneath the ancient tree, bathed in its jewellike glow, I realized that my journey had just begun. The train, my memory, they were merely vessels, tools that had carried me to this moment, to the heart of something profound. There were secrets to be unlocked, mysteries to be unraveled, and I, a stranger with no past, was ready to embrace the unknown. I was home.

© Lai Montes