

in love again?
was this love or just a fling i loved him but did he we had just had our first kiss i was so happy but he looked normal? i asked if he was ok he just rolled his eyes and said yes when i go home i cryed was we in love or not the next day we were on our date we had decided not to kiss untill we were married i thought it was strange but agreed i was confused because what type of deal was it until it happend...i was leaving the house to go to work and when i got back the room was pink roses and candels all over i look infront of me and there he was playing my favorite song and in a suit with a bouquet of red roses my favorite then he got on one knee and propesed i said yes the ring was beautiful it was a rose gold ring with a little red rose on it and in the middle was the prettiest dimond i had ever seen we had our wedding in july it was beautiful and ever scince we have been living happily ever after...