

Happiness Unseen
The world of happiness we are into...How greatful we should be that during this lockdown we are same and secure at our homes...atleast we have homes and family who loves us and take care of us...We have our dear beloved Mom, wife who struggle to make some or the other delicious things to be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner...We have clothes to wear... Pollution free air to breath and survive...Just imagine the life of people who are struggling to survive...who struggles to get one time food,no clothes to wear,not safe in the surrounding. Have you ever notice this...
Near my house stays a very poor family there are 5 members in the family and 1 dog...Whenever I Visit them they serve me cup of black tea with a smile...They struggle to lead their daily living...by seeing this one day I decided to help that family by providing some food, gave money to the home maker of the family ....to my surprise she said we live a happy life together, though we have problems but these problems seems nothing to us...we struggle and earn our living... She told me she can take food from me but not that money which they have not struggle......We have happiness in this struggling life...
That day I went home and thought the whole is this what called as Happiness Unseen,though we fail to see it in out daily lives....
Dear friends start finding happiness in our lives before it's too late...