

A Coffee Cup's New Start:
Well, I just moved to this city to change my life. I needed a restart, and well, here I am. This morning I've decided to explore, and I stumbled upon a coffee shop. It looks like a nice peaceful shop.

I dared myself to go in. The aroma of the coffee was alluring. The waitress approached me with a menu, and directed me to a seat. My eyes caught on to her. I remember her brown hair and eyes. Also, I notice her shapely curves, resembling an hour glass. My heart ignites flames of lust, and I get a good feeling.

She blushes when she realizes I'm attracted to her.

I order a coffee. I admire her body as she leaves. When she delivers my cup, I notice her hand shake a bit. So, I ask about the shop.

"Lovely cafe you work for."

"Yes, thank you. I am the owner. I used to own it with my husband but he passed away."

"Wow, sorry hear, hun."

"Yes, a heart ache it is. I miss him, because this life alone, is a heavy burden upon me."

"You're very beautiful. Think about remarriage?"

She giggled and I laughed.

"Maybe... " she sighed pained.

"I understand, sweetheart."

Love seemed lost on her part. Her husband's departure was very sad for her. He gave her a glimpse of a good world, taken away so soon.

"Yes. Thank you for understanding me."

They both smiled unto each others eyes. Both feeling an attraction for the other. The woman felt confusion about this new encounter. A new person so soon? No, it could not be, she needs more time. It is necessary to grief, because she gave her heart to her husband, fully.

The man leaves for that day. She cleans his table, remembering their meeting. He did make her heart race. A feeling she knew before. Tears fall down, pain aches among her chest. To lose, is to feel defeated. She knows she's missing happiness, but she does not seem to find it important, right now.

Her shift ends and closing time arrives. The sky is on its crescent moon, so oddly enough. Stars shine upon her, as she departs home to rest. There's a slight cool and comfortable breeze. The deep blue night sky is calming. It resembles a blue marble.

The next day, is yet another day for work. The young woman sets out to her cafe, she straightens up the place. She waters her plants and sets up some flowers on vases. She loves plants, they bring beauty to this setting. Her cafe is well known for its easy going nature. Customers come, have a good cup and relax. She even makes sure to have romantic music. This cafe was her dream.

Her husband loved her so much, that he uplifted her dream. He made sure of this flight. Now that he is in heaven, alone she stands. His car accident was just too much. He never made it back from work that day. For an unknown reason, it was fate to split them, and for them to depart.

The man comes back. Once again, her heart races, as she delivers the coffee to him. This time he touches her hand. She immediately blushes, when deep inside, she is trying to not show emotion.

They both meet each others eyes. He desires to kiss her but does not know how. She cannot manage to move from his pass. Deep inside, she yearns for more. She feels lonely, this she must confess. He is handsome. Yet is he the right guy?

"Ha. Ha. Pardon me." She replies.

She heads to the kitchen in a flustered state. Her head spins. Oh my! Is all she can think. Men, so typical and direct. He just does not understand. Regardless, I must continue this table. He is a nice fellow and this she noticed. She's merely doing her job. Her personal life belongs at home. She heads out to his table.

"Darling, your beauty captivates. Can I have your number?"

"Um.. I rather not. I am working and I don't mix my personal life with my job. I am a professional person."

"Yes, this I understand. I see something in you that's special. I want to liven you up. You look sad and I can use a friend as well."

The woman turns red. What would her other customers think of her? No. Here is not the place. She can stand firm here. This situation is one to avoid. To respond to this man? Absolutely, no she concurs.

She cashes him out. He gives her his farewell, with high hopes. This woman intrigues him. She a beautiful hard working woman. Also, not to mention, a crafty and intelligent person. He was mesmerized, by how she carries out her business. In addition, the cafe menu is delectable. She is talented. Why should this woman be alone?

Well, after many days had passed. The man had not appeared to the cafe, again. He had disappeared. She was glad. She feels uncomfortable when he makes passes. Thankfully she made things clear last time.

Oh, but love is odd enough. The man appears again! This time at the grocery store. He greets her with joy.

"Hello beautiful! So, nice to see you."

"Oh, hello. Haven't seen you at the cafe. I thought you disappeared."

"No love. I have been busy with work myself. I listened to your words last time. I wanted to respect your space. I am a gentleman but I must insist for us to go out."

"Look, I don't know. It's been a while since I've gone out, and I lack interest."

"Let's go out for a drink. Loosen up pretty lady."

This made her blush. What a man! He insists so much. I just don't know. Should I take up on his offer?

"Listen, i feel uncomfortable. I just can't go."

"It's fine beautiful. I know when your are ready, you will enjoy my company. Come on, take a gamble with me! I might be a jackpot. I can offer you my all."

This made her giggle. Oh my, this man is too much. Very funny she admits. For some reason, today she almost feels like taking up his offer. She feels tired of the same routine lately. Just work and home. She insists, her husband's death still deserve its respect. She walks out the store, to a warm sunny evening.

Great! A week after that encounter, a window in her cafe gets broken. The audacity of some people! They tried to rob her cafe! In frustration, she sits on a bench in front of her cafe. She lights up a cigarette and starts smoking.

"Hello beautiful!"

The woman jumps. Here, he is again.

"Hello. As you see, here I sit under my broken window. Some jerk tried to rob me."

"Sounds terrible. As a matter of fact, I do private investigation. I can help you find that jerk!"

"Ha. Ha. Sounds like a good idea."

"What do you say?"

"I'll accept the offer. I don't have cameras but need a watchmen. Could you help?"

"I'm your guy, honey!"

They both laugh. She offers him a seat next to her. She begins to spill out her pains. They talk for hours and get along very well. His humor, that sticks on to her. She decides to take his offer for a date. They go dancing! They have drinks and oops! They happen to kiss.

Times passes and they begin to date. They deepen each others understanding for one another. To her, he is a strong man and he makes her feel safe. He can fix things and is sweet. On the other hand, he loves her hardworking ways. She just makes things happen.

One night, before closing he comes to the cafe. He sits in a far corner. Sips his coffee slowly. His mind wanders off. When a man in a mask comes! He comes in with a gun. The man is here to rob the place. The woman sweats and panics, but here comes her new boyfriend out of nowhere. He shoots the robber.. then jumps on him. He is punching the guy out. The woman's heart jumps for joy. Oh my, is all she can think of.

He saved her! The cops come and the man is arrested. She thanks her new lover, earnestly. After the statements get cleared, they are allowed to head out. She hugs and kisses him.

"Thank you, honey."

With these last words, both head out to a deep blue evening. The crescent moon greets them outside. The moon makes a toast to both, to this new beginning. May this new love grow.

The End

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