

Big Man Oath (Chapter 1)
Big Man Oath (Chapter 1)
Back in the 80's lived an old man called Noble '' The Big Man Oath''. Noble used to live in a township ruled by an arrogant,selfish and cruel Mayor. Everyone was afraid of the Mayor expect, the Big Man Oath as hence he was not smart but wise. The people called him ''The Big Man Oath'' because they respected him and the knowledge his mind has,and seen him as The Big Man, the only man who challenged and spoke up to the cruel Mayor. The whole township respected Noble, expect the people who did shady things with the Mayor and his employees. Noble was afraid of no man. His intelligence intimidated the Mayor whenever they interacted. Everyone knew that whenever The Big Man opened his mouth they should be taking down notes. One day the Mayor was addressing the township people giving them some of his cruel rules and people were not happy about the rules, but the were afraid to express their feelings, they were afraid something bad will happen to them and their family,whenever someone disaggreed with the Mayor something bad happens to them or their family. Everyone waited for the Big Man to say something then they can start shooting the Mayor behind the bushes, but they were all disappointed because the Big Man diddn't say anything that day. The Mayor was very relieved cause his fear didn't bite that day. It seemed like the Big Man was having a bad day.After the meeting a young boy was walking behind The Big Man,so he decided to join him. The young boy yelled '' Mr Noble'' but the Big Man didn't respond, the boy yelled again then the Big Man finally gave him his attention.The boy asked if he could join the Big Man but the Big Man refused.The boy begged and nagged until he agreed. As they were walking they were exchanging greetings and asking each other about their well beings, the boy asked the Big man if his ohkay and Big Man seemed like he was having a bad day,then the boy said to the Big Man '' remember it's just a bad day not a bad life'', Noble was amazed and shocked by the boy's words. One of the Mayor's partners in shady deals was on his way home from the meeting, then saw those two and pulled over on the side of the road.Then got ot of the car and crossed over the road heading to Noble and the boy shouting and yelling at the little boy. When he got to Noble and the boy, Noble said to him'' Don't allow your conscience to deny your generation knowledge''. Then the Mayor's friend looked at the boy and told him to go to the car and the boy walked to the car with anger and disappointment. Then man told the Big Man to stay away from his son. Then Noble replied ''your family might not see your dirty works but God does,please drive safely don't let your family pay for your and friend's sins.'' Then they both proceeded with their journeys. When Mr Hendrics the boy's father went back to the car his son asked him why he doesn't want him near the Big Man? Mr Hendrics told the boy that Big Man is mental disturbed,the boy confused his dad that he believes him. The next morning the Big Man was doing what he does best,giving meaning to the things that can't speak for themselves through photography.Mr Hendrics was on his way to meet the Mayor then he bumped into Noble on his way there, he looked at Noble with a bitter face but Noble smiled and waved. Mr Hendrics got to the Mayor's office, the Mayor wanted them to do some of the shady jobs they do. They departed from the office and went to meet up with their friend and dealer Otti. When they got there Otti placed, a complain on how the Big Man is making business slow for them since he started inspirational sessions for his township because the kids ain't focusing on drugs anymore, they are now focusing on their dreams,talents and self growth. Mr Hendrics told the Mayor that it's time to deal with the old folk, the Mayor replied ''He might have grey hair but his mind is not getting grey too''. Otti and Hendrics looked at the Mayor with shock, Otti asked the Mayor if Noble would defeat him, the Mayor replied '' his hands might be weak but his mind is not, for a war is won in the mind and completed by hands'', that left Otti and Hendrics without words, cause they all knew that the Big Man beholds an unbreakable system up his head. Later that day Mr Hendrics's son Izzy and his best friend Creezy were passing by Big Man's house and they found him watering the plants. Izzy greeted the Big Man and Noble greeted back then, Izzy asked Big Man if he can come and chill for a few minutes with him. Noble was secretly excited that finally someone wants to save him from his loneliness and he agreed. Izzy and Creezy entered and sat down at the garden looking at Noble busy with his garden. Izzy asked the Big Man what he meant when he told his dad that ''Dont allow your conscience to deny your generation knowledge?'' Noble replied '' tomorrow come to the inspirational session then you will understand what I meant.'' Izzy looked at Creezy and asked'' Do you think we will make it?'' Creezy said yes. Then they exchanged goodbyes with The Big Man. The next day Mr Hendrics decided to spend the day with Izzy, but it was too late cause Izzy had plans that day as Mr Hendrics was disappointed when Izzy told him he had plans. Mr Hendrics later asked with who did Izzy said he had a soccer match. When the inspirational session time arrived Creezy at Izzy's house and then they went to the session. Nobble had a lot planned for the two boys. When they arrived they were standing at the back so they couldn't see Noble but could hear his voice, neither could Noble see them and he was getting worried that his guest are not arriving and his almost getting done. That day Noble was talking about the foolish getting leadership sits, and how the leaders are oppressing the angels and how angels are being turned into slaves. At the end of the session the boys saw Noble talking to one of the people who, came to the session they wanted to go to him Izzy saw the Mayors car parking so him and Creezy ran away. When they arrived at Izzy's home,Creezy asked him why were there running then Izzy told him that the Mayor came through to that session.The Mayor was going to tell his dad cause they are close and he told his dad he had a soccer match, Creezy asked him why he lied and said he wanted to avoid spending time with him. Noble was secretly disappointed that day because he thought the boys didn't come and he planned that day's message just for them. The next day was a Saturday and mostly on Saturdays Mr Noble takes a long walk around the township, as he was taking his walk he passed by Mr Hendrics house and found them outside, The Big Man did was he does best being friendly, he greeted the family but Izzy and Mrs Hendrics were the only one's who exchanged greetings with him. Noble looked at Mr Hendrics with pitty written all over his face, and said to Mr Hendrics '' The foolish are getting leadership position being expected to lead the wise, and when the wise neglects they want to be their God and end their lives. The people might not see you but the All Mighty is always watching.'' Mrs Hendrics and Izzy were shocked by the Big Man's words,Mr Hendrics was speechless. Noble carried on with his walk. Izzy asked his dad why is the Big Man always absurd towards him,Mr Hendrics said he doesn't know with a guilty face.The next day Izzy went to the Big Man's house, when he arrived there the Big Man asked about Creezy's whereabout, apparently Creezy was not coming that day. The Big Man welcomed Izzy in. This was the first time Izzy entering the Big Man's house,little Izzy was amazed by the art inside the house. As little Izzy was sitting and asking too much questions,then the Big Man said to Izzy '' before you ask a question,first try answering it in your head,at the end corrections ain't bad.'' Izzy then asked the Big Man why is he always speaking in riddles and he replied ''Its's not riddles it's just a language for wise.'' Izzy was shocked.