

The Romance Introduction
Raven's page
My social anxiety is clearly peaking this year. I don't know why it's getting this bad. But of course I have my people that I stay close to. Like if it wasn't for Matthew, I would not be here. There's a long story to how we started dating after a year long of friendship. Our relationship has been going since the Halloween dance on October 25th. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Headquarters View-
Anderina: Alright guys, tonight is the night. We are gonna show him the song
Refalo: Okay what is this supposed to be?
Anderina: I don't exactly know, we are platonic right now but this might be a first date.
Livie: Well whatever it is, let's hope we won't get rejected and that he doesn't have a crush on another girl again.
ZuZu: What do you mean again? WHO?!?!!
Livie: He said he had a crush on Ella but I don't buy it. I think it was a cover up because he wasn't ready for a girlfriend yet.
ZuZu: That might be something he would do.
Refalo: We can't be talking right now..
Anderina: What do you mean?
Refalo: We made up a very long and complex plan to get to this point.
Livie: We just did that to win him over like any girl would do.
ZuZu: Still that was crazy.
Anderina: Well what can I say? I am Cupid's daughter after all.
Refalo: You say that way too much
Anderina: Because it's true
In School View-