

The Demon king
Chapter 2

From what I've heard Lu Ying is a
fierce warrior not to mention handsome
and brave..... They say that he has killed about
Four thousand men singlehandedly, thats how
he got the name [Demon king].

I've never seen him before in my life
They are paintings of him in Aunt Li's room
And I happen to saw one of the paintings once
He has long black hair and eyes that glow red in the dark ......

And to think that Ri yui has to marry him
It's not like I care or not, but she's my sister and I want what's best for her, but believe me I've tried to convince her not to marry him but she wouldn't listen to me.

Well, at least I tried.

Aunt  Li's  planning to send us to the castle tomorrow...  What do I mean by us? Well of course Ri yui needs a servant [Maid] and aunt Li suggest that I will be that servant... Well let's look at the good side, At least aunt Li won't be able to torture me anymore.....

© Im_just_lonely