

When love dies (Chapter 9)
"Who's Shi?"
"Are Wolf."
"You have a wolf!?!"
"Yeah I saved him as a pup, Katsu takes care of him when im gone." I shiver at the thought of a wolf near us. "Can you take the rag off now?"
"Ok fine, Katsu out."
"Ok ok jeez." I hear the door close. Then I feel fingers taking the rag off. When I can see, Titans looking right at me. I feel my face get hot and look down. He laughs. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare."
"It's fine.."
"Well, I must get going I have lots to do, you may rest. I'll have your food and water once I'm done."
"Ok." And then he's gone. The room around me is very nice. I barely got up to look out the window and see I am very far from the ground. It looks like we're in a mansion. I could see a water fountain and a garden. Its really pretty.

I look in the closet and see shorts and tee shirts. Not what I'm into, but I'm guessing it doesn't matter considering I am still a prisoner for them. I walk back to the bad. It's just the right temperature. I sit in the bed and cuddle in the blanket. Titan walks in with a plate of food and water. "I've got your dinner."
"Thank you."
For some reason I feel. at home. But why? Was it because it was something new in life? Or is it because I feel like he cares? I guess I'll never know.

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[Remember to read the other chapters :)]