

He took very good care of his family. They lived in luxury and he catered well for his children. He had a large acre of land and servants to tend to his flock of sheep. He had slaves to water his garden. He was highly regarded and adored by his fellow men. A reputation that could not be achieved on a silver platter. He was very cunning. All he needed was a little Wisdom. His words were his weapon and his eloquence was his biggest asset. He   could talk any person into doing anything and that was how he accrued so much wealth. Fame  and wealth were all he thought of. Among his fellow men he was known as the trader. The trader that has no goods to sell out. He will always respond "I trade the secrets of life".He had no specific job yet he was the man to look for when seeking for advice. Such was the reputation of Ananse. A reputation borne out of deception,greed and pride. With this he had extended his tentacles and wove his web to in and around his community. He takes advantage of the vulnerable and exploits the weak. He deceives the rich and robs the careless. He only submit to the wealthiest knowing he might gain something in the end.
After a number of years, the secrets of his wealth started unveiling. Things had turned around. A writer once wrote" when there is a change some may stand to gain whereas others may lose". This could be likened to the case of Ananse. They no longer sang to his name. His greatest asset became his greatest liability. He felt entrapped by the very wealth he had accrued. When the elders sit together and invites the once prominent son of the land for investigation, it puts the people in suspense. The children become excited and adults become curious. When the truth starts unfolding, it becomes more bitter.
He found himself standing before the elders accused of corruption, extortion and impersonation. It's an undeniable fact that corruption is a canker. A canker within our community that needs to be eradicated. In the case of Ananse he was cleared of all the charges. The unfortunate has happened because witnesses never expected he could walk out a free man. He seemed so proud of himself. Friends and family came to congratulate him
When it seems you have finally won and you are hit with the last blow, it puts you off balance and set your teeth on edge. Ananse had the last blow. The tables turned and a man showed up and revealed the package. A huge debt that needs to be paid. Everyone knew that was his end. Eventually, he admitted to the truth and was sentenced to death. He could only be saved if his debts were paid in full. He begged for a saviour but what he saw around him were self righteous people ready to stone him to death. He asked to say one last thing. He was granted his last wish. He chose his words carefully because he knew they could save him or lead him to a quick death. He finally started " The deer and some other animals lived in the same community. The deer owed so much that he couldn't settle. He was taken to the chief's palace and asked to pay his debts. He looked around and asked the debtor to provide a witness. The debtor chose the mouse. Just when he was about to speak he saw the cat and withdrew. The debtor again chose the frog. The frog also saw the eagle and withdrew. Finally, he called the tiger. Just when he was about to testify he Saw the lion and kept quiet. The elders didn't understand so they asked them to explain. An argument erupted out of nowhere. The cat started attacking the mouse. The eagle started attacking the frog. The lion started attacking the tiger.
When calm was finally restored, they were asked to voice out their grievances. Gradually, the truth resurfaced. The mouse had not paid his debts. The frog was still owing the eagle. The tiger still has some money to give to the lion. Ananse concluded with a little fear in his voice"is anybody here who has not be in the debt of another before? LET HIM CAST THE FIRST STONE".
By Anthony Amoah Essah