

A Love Triangle
“There is no shame in looking,” Mathew Shaji thought to himself as he peered through the shower curtain. There she was, lying naked in the tub. She moaned and hissed angrily at the spurting water, determined to murder the tap. Cats were prolific breeders, but smart they were not. Mathew decided it was best to maintain a distance as he tried to dry the cat. She stank of gutter and stale fish, and this one wasn’t the bathing type. As Mathew moved towards her, holding a towel in his hand, she hissed at him and meowed angrily, readying to sink her claws in his face. “Calm down, sweetheart,” he consoled her. “It’s just a towel, will make you feel better.” She seemed to calm down a bit on seeing the closed tap. Mathew sighed in relief. If it weren’t for his girlfriend, he would have chucked the cat out by now. He liked his girl, who in turn, liked the cat. It was quite a strange love triangle.
© Shine_Ali