


Have you ever imagined a world where supernatural beings live, where magical creatures lived in harmony and where magic never runs dry. A world where fairies had the upper hand in both dark and light magic and over all mystical beings. There was a time that world existed and that world was named ZODAR. Earth never knew a place existed buy that was going to change, as the story goes on.

King Raxildo ruled with equity and goodness. Everyone loved their King and always praised him, all except his brother Rexandro who had a deep hatred for him because he was denied of the throne. He had plans to strike but had to wait till the perfect time.

Queen Graciella, the wife of King Raxildo was expecting a baby. She gave birth months later and that baby was named Keira.

A month after her birth, Rexandro planned to get the sceptre of dark magic from the forbidden mountain. He successfully goy and made a claim to the throne. Rexandro went to the dark world and convinced the duke that Raxildo was a bad king who preferred d kingdom of light. He partnered with the duke and waged war against the Kingdom of light.

It was an unexpected attack as many innocent flaires, fairies, gnomes, mermaids and other supernatural beings died in the war. Rexandro invaded the palace and killed the king but but Queen Graciella escaped with her maid and little Keira. She flew as fast as she could but Rexandro wad catching up on her.

Suddenly, Rexandro blasted the Queen with his evil magic and she fell to the ground. She weakly kissed the baby and gave the baby to the maid and told het she should take care of her baby.

The maid ran to the human world and dropped little Keira in front of a gate. She cast a spell that hid Keira's fairy nature and made her human. She used her powers to make a necklace and wore it on little Keira's neck. The maid disappeared into the necklace waiting for the time to show herself......


Mr Dickson sighed as he drove home. He had a stressful day at work. He was a waiter who worked at a Starmeal restuarant, a job that didn't earn me much money. But he had to provide for his family, especially now that he has a child.

"I wish finding a job was easy, i wouldn't be working as a waiter". He said as he came down from his car.

He drove in and packed his car. He climbed the stairs and immediately stopped as he stared at the baby before him.

"What is this baby doing here? She is so beautiful" He said as he carried her in his arms.

He opened the door and entered. He dropped his suitcase and entered the room. He met his wife playing with their little daughter.

"Hello darling" Mr Dickson said as Mrs Dickson turned.

"How are you dear" Mrs Dickson asked as she looked at the baby in his arms.

"I'm fine dear"

"Where did you get that baby from? Mrs Dickson said as she dropped Priya on the bed.

"I saw her on our doorstep, isn't she the prettiest thing u ever saw?" Mr Dickson said as he gave the baby to his wife.

"She is indeed beautiful, we should inform the police don't you think?"

"Yes dear, i will inform the police but she could stay here for sometime. Should we give her a name?"

"Not now, we need to find out about her parents, who knows, they might be worried about her"

"Yes dear, that's what we will do" Mr Dickson said as he pecked his wife.


They never really found out about Keira's parents so they took her as their own. They raised her and gave her the name Lilian.

Lilian was an epitome of beauty. She was kindhearted and very understandable. Everyone loved her and always wanted to be her friend except Priya who was the Dickson's daughter. She grew jealous of her and always wanted to set her up but her plans always never work.

Priya was older than Lilian with two years so she was ahead of her in class. Time passed till it was time for Lilian to start college


Lilian's arrival to the Dickson's family brought prosperity and good luck to the family because shortly after Lilian arrived, Mr Dickson prospered and became a business man, owning many companies in the country and beyond.

This made him love Lilian the more because he saw her as a blessing to his home. He trained her in school and provided for all her needs.

Mrs Dickson also took Lilian as a daughter. She taught her well and took her as a daughter. But along the way, she grew jealous because she envied the way her husband pampers Lilian despite the fact he knows that she isn't their real daughter.


Lilian sighed as she sat in her bed.Today had been a worst birthday for her. Her dad ( Mr Dickson ) threw a party for her but was ruined because Priya pushed her intentionally which made her to fall on her birthday cake.

She couldn't bear the humiliation so she ran out of the party. Priya always ruins everything for her and to think her own sister ruined her happy day makes her feel unhappy and sad.

"Why does my sister always ruin everything for me? Everything always goes wrong because of her. Even mum has changed towards me, what wrong have i committed that made me an enemy?" She said as she caressed her necklace.

"Only father understands and loves me, no one else. I wish i could understand why my sister and mother are so cruel to me? I wish i could erase whatever ive done to them". She said as she lay on the bed.


"Nonesense, you think I would let your stupid party go well? Not on my watch be because i just made it much worse for u. She said as she laughed evily.

"Everyone loves you right? Well im sure after they saw your chocolate frost face, they mocked because you are fucking ugly. Foolish girl!" Priya said as she laughed again.

She took the gifts bought for Lilian and started ransacking it.

"Wow! these are all nice, i will keep them for myself. That she-devil cant have all these beautiful clothing and jewelleries" Priya scoffed as she re-arranged the boxes and put them in her wardrobe.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in, the door isnt locked. Priya said as she closed the wardrobe.
"Oh mother, what brings you to my room?Hope I am safe? Priya said as she moved closer to her mother.
"Sure we are, i just came to see you or is coming to see my own daughter a crime?" Mrs Dickson said as she sat on the bed.
"No mum, i thought you were going to scold me because i knew you saw what i did to Lilian"
"Yes, that's what im here for. But im not going to scold you. In fact, im here to complement you dear, you did the right thing" Mrs Dickson said as she smiled as a shocked Priya.
"Mum, are you the one that is talking? I thought you said Priya was your morning star and your precious daughter?

"That was then dear but my eyes are opened now and i clearly understand what that girl is trying to do, she is trying to take the family's property which is destined for you to have. She wants your dad to treasure her so she could have the property and i wont let that happen so that's why ive changed my mind about her" She said as she looked at her daughter who was distracted by a wall gekko on the ceiling.

"I wanna tell you something dear, do you know that Lilian isnt your real sister?" Mrs Dickson asked.

"Mum, what are you saying? Lilian is my little sister, although i dint take that bitch as my sister" she said as she scoffed.

"But she isnt your sister. When you were two years old, your dad brought that girl in the house saying he found her on our doorstep. We tried looking for her parents but couldn't get any information that is why we accepted her and took her as our daughter and your sister" Mrs Dickson said.

"Wow mum, Wow! so that daughter of a bitch isnt even my real sister. I knew she was bad luck. Her parents dumped her on our doorstep because she was a bad child, and now she wants to take my birthright from me? I wont let that fucking shit happen" Priya said, fuming with anger.

"Yes my dear, that's why i have a plan. If we can stop her from going to college, she wont have qualifications or status to take your place. So all we have to do is to stop her schooling and we will get the upper hand".

"Wow mum, that's a good idea, i will make sure i make that girls' life miserable that she will beg death to come. This is just the beginning, the end is yet to arrive" Priya said as she made her way to the bathroom.


It was time for Lilian to take her exams and she was dressed up and ready. Mr Dickson will take her to the college. She goes downstairs and took her breakfast.

"Are you ready to go dear? He asked.

"Yes dad, but where is Priya? isn't she coming? Lilian asked

"I think so, go dear and ask her, ill be back shortly" He said as he climbed the stairs.

Lilian went to Priya's room but she wasn't there. She shouted Priya's name and s voice was heared from the kitchen. She came to the kitchen. She checked but saw no one there. She was about to leave the kitchen when someone pushed her and used a knife to cut her hand.

"Oopsie, my bad, did it hurt? Sorry dear, hope you right well and pass well bitch. Priya said as she made her way towards the door.

Lilian cried on seeing her blood and made way to her room. She treated herself and bandaged it. She was about to stand up when Mr Dickson came in.

"What happened to your hand dear? Mr Dickson said as he examined her hand.

"I mistakenly cut my hand dad, but i will be fine" She said as she carried her bag.

"U're really hurt dear and you hurt urself in your right hand, how are you supposed to write if you are injured? He said.

"Dont worry dad, i will manage, i prepared for this exam and there is no way a wounded hand will stop me. Lilian said as she walked out of the door.



Lilian entered the school, admiring the walls and the gardens. She was led to the examination hall and was given a seat.

"The exam will start in ten minutes, get ready, and please hold your examination card, you will need it to start exams". The invigilator said as he sat on his desk, arranging the candidate's question papers.


"The exam is about to start, i hope i do well" She prayed silently. I better revise before the exam starts". She said as she opened her book.


Priya hid behind the doorway smiling evily.
"Let me see how you will enter the hall without your exam card. I took it from your bag yesterday. Good luck bitch" She said as she smiled and made her way to her class.


"Clear your desk everyone and bring out your writing materials,keep your bags beside you and bring out your examination card,we are about to start" Mr Smart( the invigilator said as he stood up and went out to collect the exam answer booklets.

Lilian quickly took her books and kept them in her bag and searched for her exam card.

"It must be here somewhere, im sure i kept it in my bag yesterday" Lilian said as she removed her books from her bag.

She searched and searched but couldn't find her exam card.

The invigilator came in and dropped the sheets on the table, then he started collecting the cards from the front row. Lilian was sitting in the middle row.

Lilian checked her bag again but still couldn't find it. She looked aheand and saw the invigilator was one row ahead of her. She bent her head and started crying.

"Where could it be, I'm sure i kept it in my bag last night. Now im not going to partake in the exams" She said as she continued crying.

The invigilator came and asked for her exam card. She said she didn't have it and she was sent out of the class.

She went to the stairs, sat down and cried her eyes out. Suddenly, her necklace sparkled and a lady stood beside her dressed in suit.

"Good afternoon" Lilian greeted.

"Why are you crying dear?" She asked.

"I lost my exam card and i cant write my exams without it and now im going to fail" She said as she sniffed.

"Dont cry my dear, you will write the exams, follow me. She said as she took Lilian's hand and led her to the exam hall.

The lady went to the the invigilator's table and hypnotised him. He made him forget that Lian didn't come with her card and made him believe that he made a mistake sending her out.

"Oh! do come in dear, take your seat, im sorry for sending you out" The invigilator said

Lilian surprisingly looked at the woman who smiled at her and directed her to her seat.

"Now write the exams and don't worry, you will pass" She said as she gave Lilian her pen.

She held Lilian's injured hand and released it. It was healed. Lilian looked at the lady surprisingly

You have exams to write dear so focus on your papers, look what is written there" Lilian looked and looked up again but couldn't see the woman, she had left.

Lilian started writing and wrote till she finished.

"Time up! submit your papers" Mr Smart said as he went from seat to seat collecting the exam scripts.

Lilian submitted hers and left the exam hall. She met Priya on the staircase

"Hey bitch, how did it go? u wrote the exam" she smiled.

"Yes i did, and im sure im gonna pass" Lilian said as she walked away leaving a surprised Priya.

"How did she....." she said as she checked her pockets.

"But the card is still here, how did she manage to write the exam?" She asked herself



Rexandro was the King and now ruled over both light and dark forces. He never cared about his subjects or the welfare of Zodar. All he cared about was how he could be the most powerful king that has ever ruled Zodar.

He used the sceptre of dark magic to take other dimensions of powers and claimed it as his. Many innocent creatures were deprived of their powers and they were subjected to live as slaves in the palace.

This brought fear in the hearts of the subjects causing some to run to earth and take refuge.

"I knew i will make a good king. Look how powerful i am. The rush of power through my veins makes me feel so good. If i had known taking the throne was that easy, i wouldn't have wasted my time in waiting, i would have striked immediately"

"Oh Brother, here you thought that living in goodness and equality could make you a better king, but here i am. If you would have just supported my decision then u wouldn't have loosed your precious life"

"Now I'm King and no one can stop me from ruling. Rest in peace brother, do rot in hell" King Rexandro laughed as he stared at his brother's painting once more. How good it was to be king.


Its been a month since Lilian took her exams. She had high hopes and prayed to do well in her exams. Meanwhile, Priya and her mother made plans to stop Lilian from going to college. They knew the results will be released in a week time so they started what they had already planned for.


"I hope this plan works, i don't want that girl to succeed in her plans. Now let me see how she will prosper when i make her fail" She smiled as she walked down the hallway leading to the Principal's office.

"Come in" The Principal, Mr Wedlock ushered in

"Good morning Principal, im here for a very important business.

"Go on, I'm listening Madam".

"Im Mrs Dickson and my daughter schools here, her name is Priya Dickson. My other daughter, Lilian also took part in the entry exams. I discovered that she cheated because i saw some paper with written answers on them. Here are the papers sir".

She said as she gave Mr Wedlock some papers.

"I know examination malpractice is a crime and that is why i came here to report and apologise for my daughter's wicked act.

"Hmm, this is a serious claim madam, how are you sure about it?"

"I am hundred percent sure sir because i never saw her reading and she looked quite scared before taking the exam. So im quite sure my allegations are correct".

"Hmm, so what do you want me to do madam?"

"I want you to cancel her script and make her fail the exams. She deserves it and that will teach her not to perform that unruly act again" She said

"Ok madam, i guess you are right. I know it was hard for you to come and report your daughter but I'm ever grateful because she will be given the right punishment and she will learn the consequences of examination malpractice. Thanks madam for the information, i will surely seize her result".

"Thank you so much sir, im ever grateful". She said as they both stood and shook hands.

"Ill beg to take my leave, thanks for your co-operation" Mrs Dickson said and made her way towards the door.

"What a mother! she could have just helped her daughter to pass, but instead came to report her. She must be very strict" Mr Wedlock thought as he sat on his seat and continued his work.


"We are expecting your results today Lilian so always be checking the mail for letters" He said as he continued eating his breakfast.

"Sure thing dad" Lilian, who was sitting adjacent to him answered.

"I hope you do well in your exams my dear" Mrs Dickson, who was at the other end of the table said as she smiled.

"Ill be going to work now, Priya, ill drop u off at school" Mr Dickson said

"Ill follow you dear, i want to go see someone" Mrs Dickson said

"Ok, take care of yourself angel" Mr Dickson said, referring to Lilian

"Ok dad, bye" she said as she cleared the table


Lilian sat on her bed lost in deep thoughts. She really wanted to pass her exams and enter college.

"I just hope i make it" she said as she removed her necklace and dropped it on the bed.

"I can't wait to start college, ill meet new friends and learn new things" She said as she got up and opened her window.

"Ill be serious with my books and will always get an A. I just wish i pass" she said as she turned.

She was shocked at what she saw. Her necklace was glowing. Suddenly, a sparkle of light left came out of the necklace and floated across the room, over the contains and out of her window.

"What was that?" She said as she looked out of her window.

She took her necklace and stared at it, then she wore it.

" Maybe i must be seeing things" She said as she sat on her bed.