

Cake and Cousin confession
It was 9 o'clock in the morning, and I was busy making a chocolate cake.

"Hey, what are you making?" asked my cousin brother.

I didn't even notice when my cousin brother arrived. Usually, he shows up unannounced, and this time he didn't even ring the doorbell.

"What a surprise, you came home," I said, hugging him.

Though I scold and beat him a lot, I love him more.

"Ahmm..." he hesitated. I gave him an awkward glance that made him hesitate further.

He isn't a shy character at all, but for the first time, I saw him like this. I put the chocolate cake in the oven, set the timer, and removed the apron, tossing it dramatically onto the table. Then we both walked towards the dining table.

We both sat on the wooden chair comfortably. He took his phone, scrolled through something, and handed me his phone. I looked at it and was shocked to find a photo of a girl. Usually, this idiot doesn't even have my pic on his phone, claiming to be a sincere single boy, but now there was a photo of a beautiful young girl.

"Love?" I asked, clutching my heart with both hands like a melodramatic soap opera star.

"Yes," he replied, looking down and blushing.

"Since when?" I asked, my mouth wide open in disbelief.

"8th standard," he said, smiling. I kicked him playfully with my legs.

"During 8th standard, I didn't even know the definition of love, and you..." I said, shouting and kicking him harder.

"Hey, stop!" he said, suddenly standing up, but I didn't stop kicking him.

"Not me, it's her. She has loved me," he said. Then I stopped kicking him.

"Then are you planning to marry her?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, she loved me since 8th standard, and I shouldn't cheat her," he said.

The oven timer beeped, and the cake was ready.

"But what will happen to our singles association?" I asked him.

"There are only two members, you and me. So from now, you are the leader of that association, and I'm resigning," he said, walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey, but..." I shouted after him.

"You made a chocolate cake, right? My girlfriend likes it. Pack some for her too," he said, grabbing a slice for himself and walking off with a mischievous grin.

I stood there, holding the apron, shaking my head and laughing. This idiot was really something else.

© Aboorva