

How Love Blossomed (Part 3)

I gotta say this to Akankha. Shit I'm so confused I don't know what to do. But I know it will be alright if I tell her.
"Akankha!" I shouted as I entered the rooftop of our college, it's out hang out spot.
"Hey wassup..!" She didn't spare me a glance.
"Akki!! hey look up it's your one and only bestie, hehe."
She looked upward, locking her eyes with mine. She makes that face sometimes specialy when I'm too close. I wonder, does she l-- . No, no, that can't be.
"Are you gonna say it or not" she said turning her face away from me.
She asked as she put her sketchpad down.
She always scribbling something in there but I never had the permit look at it, even after hours of begging.

I don't know how to start, it feels weird. I didn't say this to anyone, but I gotta tell this to Akankha.
"um..you see.. the thing is, you can't laugh okay?"
"Just spill it, I have seen you worse." There's no mockery in her voice but genuine curiosity.
That's what I like the most, no matter what or how silly questions I ask she listenes sincerely and answers truthfully. Sometimes too truthfully that it hurts.
"Actually.., there's someone I like." Finally I said it.
She didn't say a thing, but there's a weird expression on her face, which tells me.. "you knew, didn't ya?" I spoke.
"Well, I kinda guessed." she said, almost a whisper.
"Damn girl, you know everything, don't you? How can you read People so easily, huh?" I laughed teasing her. But truly she can read me like an open book as if I'm written by her own language.
Well not only me but most of people, maybe that's why she's always so wary of everyone. I never thought of it but I should pursue her to make some friends, I can't believe I'm her only friend in college.
The first day I saw her sitting in that haunted library I was scared to shit but when she looked at me with her wide eyes, she seemed more scared, that's why I approached her. But never thought we would become so close. From that clumsy scared girl to the best person to have around.
She's just the perfect companion to have, she makes me free, she listens when I blabber, she gives the perfect advice, although she doesn't talk much but when she does it's fun hearing her. Specially when we talk about the recent animes we watched or the mangas she have spent her all pocket money on. And the way she drools whenever she visits any art shop, that's a sight to be hold. haha.
We talk about so many things, aliens, pirates, things that doesn't make any sense. Talking to her, I don't need watch my tongue neither the time.
And I know the current problem I've have, only she can solve. I guess, I did a great thing by holding her hand that day.

Continued in next part..
© Night owl