

Love Vs Destiny- My Love Became My Destiny Part 5
Duchess Maria : You could tell this to Jordan . He may help you .
Kerry : If he came to know I am Delzi . He will never let me away from him . If this happens Spell will come to true .
Maria: Its all because of saria . If she hadn't given you this spell if you and King Jordan get together. Tribe (Whom kerry belongs ) will come to an end. Today You would have been together.
( All this was listen by Duke George)
SCENE Darial Kingdom Delzi Room
( King Jordan was sitting quietly in his beloved Room. Duke George enters.)
Duke : I have found Princess Delzi
Jordan : ( He open his eyes and hold his shoulder) Where is my Delzi.
Duke : Kerry is Delzi
Jordan: Its impossible. Kerry has aura of Delzi soul .She is not Delzi. She is not allergic to rose but Delzi is .
Duke: She is allergic to rose. She didn't ate any dish today. Do you remember?
Jordan: How could you say this?
Duke: I have listen it from my ears
Jordan : But that day she was wearing a rose in her hairs.
Duke: That may be a illusion.
Jordan : Kerry is Delzi .I have found my Delzi. And most importantly She is my wife now.
Duke : yes
Jordan : But why she didn't told me about her ?
Duke : That's because of spell.
( Duke explain whole the story to King Jordan .)
Jordan: Now see what I do ....to be continued

Who all are happy for King Jordan?

© Ruhi Mutti