

The Man Was A Kidnapper - Chapter 2 ( Mysteries Has Solve )
The next night, Mr.Nazri had doing a night activitie. Were enjoying a nugget and sausages that was cook by Mr.Nazri. Then, were doing a story time activities.
Were done doing everything, its time for me to go sleep. This night, I can sleep well. There's no more shadow that walk all over our camp. No more sound that calling my name.

~3 AM~

I can't hold to pee anymore. It was like ten minutes I'm trying to hold. But now, I can't hold it so I go out the camp and go far from my camp and pee over the forest.
While I'm still doing my things, I heard a sound of footstep walking behind me. I'm trying to not look at my back but the sound making me to look behind. Because of no choice, I'm then decided to look behind.
My eyes keep looking all of the way... All the corner of the forest. And what I saw was nothing. I'm saying in my heart that it was just my imagination. I'm looking back in front of me. But, the time where I'm looking back front me, there's a dead body fell down and rolling near me.
I'm shocked and scream while the dead body has stop at my legs. It look like a little boy wearing a black hoodies. I'm scared and run away from that place.
At the same time, I heard a loud sound of footstep behind me. While I'm running, ilk take time and look at my back. I'm very shocked and running more faster after I saw a thin ghost with a black hat running toward me.
For my long way running, my leg get tired so I'm suggesting to stop and take a break. I'll go have a break behind the high black tree.