

My Next Life-story prompt
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance? But if you don't believe in it, explain why.

Reincarnation is something that I didn't always believe in. But the last several years of my life have totally changed many of my former beliefs. I was always the skeptical type until a series of events happened around 2020 that led me to awaken. Now I can say that I do believe in reincarnation. There are too many incidents of people clearly recalling their past lives that are very convincing. Especially those of small children who couldn't possibly make up the things they claim. So, back to the question... who would I be in my next life if I had the ability to choose? ...That's a tough one but I believe I would have to say that I would just be whoever the person is that would have the greatest impact toward the evolution of my soul. I think each life we get is a chance to learn the things we failed to learn during previous attempts in former lives. We reincarnate into whoever it is that will maximize our greatest potential for growth. Someone who will go through specific things that will be beneficial to our souls evolution. I believe that is the point of it all...to evolve and continue evolving until we one day become the highest and purest versions of ourselves. That is merely my personal opinion but it is what determines my decision on this topic.
© Manda.Humphrey