

Brooding over love
As Everything is on way with ups and downs to impart situations either better or worse but realizes to have achieved soon.
Amongst all merits, Love is the proper merit encompassing all and amerliorating abstracts from one side to other.
Love forges a castle in dilemma where Nobody is perspicuous on this vibe but entraps into own threads of vagues.
Truly Loving someone is obsolete as of now while falsehood is in vogue favours 'judas Kiss' on behalf of all.
Classically Love is a love of probity but as of now modernity fetches a laity of lecherous love accompanied by either snobbish beloved or suitor, especially by a Fair sex who dive longer in this materialistic relationship of falsehood.
Its canopy of compassion but takes you to brink of demise where no hope of illumination or resurrection remains.
Love is either platonic or petrarchan love of which platonic survives on spiritual bonding whereas Sensual love favours Petrarchan love.
As far as Positive poignancy of love could be " Love is a serious traumatic disease whereby Human evades from inching closer to abstract of love ."

© Wasim Azam