

My Dream Man [ Part 3 ]
There's a house. I do not know that the house belongs to the person I see in my dreams or not. But there is something special in that house when I entered the house felt very familiar. That house was not a luxurious house, yet that house was pulling me towards it. In this house, there're built two rooms in the front of the house, there was a iron curved stairs towards the room on the left, the roof was only on those two rooms and the balcony. The rest was the verandah. And the panchayat was meeting in the verandah, I don't know the issue of this panchayat meeting, but it was understood that this meeting is about my dream man. There are two bedsteads, one on the front side and the other on the right side. On which four men are wearing white kurta and white lungi are sitting. And to the left is a chair on which the of my dream man sits. And a lot of people are standing on the side where I was standing. I stand behind all of them. Because of this I couldn't see the face of my dream man. But after hearing the voice of all those people, it was clearly known that there is a lot of debate going on there. I wanted to see my dream man's face, so I started coming forward. When I came forward and looked at the chair, there was no one sitting on the chair. My dream man got up from there angrily going towards the front rooms and some people were blocking him from going. Then he said,
"When anyone doesn't want to listen to me, then what difference does it make if I am here or not? In the end, the panchayat decision will be valid."
Then he leaves.

To Be Continue.....
© mysticalgirl