

Being your secret🌟Chapter 2 part 1
If you didn't read chapter 1 please read it otherwise you won't understand it.

Brandon's POV
"Is our relationship means nothing to you Brandon? Sabrina was sobbing in her words.
I was stunned by her words, she is crying in front of me,no I can't see any tears on her eyes. How could she question my feelings for her? But I can't blame her, maybe I'm really a coward to tell anyone about my feelings for Sabrina.

End of Brandon's POV

Third person's POV
"what are you talking about Rina? How can you question my feelings? You know how important my reputation is & you agreed to it so what happened to that?" Brandon asked.
"Yes I agreed but I didn't agree that you would kiss all the girls in School." Sabrina was crying.
"Rina, I'm sorry baby. I do these just to show off, you understand right?" Sabrina could not answer.
"please just wait until the graduation baby please? Can you do this for me ? Please?" Brandon said before kissing Sabrina's cheeks.
Sabrina just nodded. Well if you truly love someone then you can do anything right?
Actually previous year Brandon was transferred here from his old school.
When he first saw Sabrina at school on the day of his admission, he fell in love with her at first sight,with no revealing clothes, no make-up Brandon fell in love with her natural beauty,her beautiful hazel eyes behind her glasses, her long dark brown hair,her clumsiness, he liked everything about her.

hey guys please leave your opinion in the comment section 😊
#love #wrightco #writcostorychallenge