

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
Episode 1
It's 7am in the morning and my alarm peeps making me unable to sleep. I can't believe I'm going to school again.
l hate school, bells and cafeteria. l just wish I could pretend but then it's too late.
Amora Grande I'm 18 years of age.
I Lived with mom alone because I have no idea where my dad is since l was a kid. l haven't dated before and I'm not even planning to.
Dating isn't my thing. I'm a girl with friends but l don't have a best friends. l just entered Camstars High school recently because my mom's job is located here.
I'm late for everything and l guess it's my habit but l don't give a damn about it.
Music is part of me. l check my phone and it's 8:30am. I'm really late.
l took my bath and within minutes l was done. l wore my uniform and l forgot to brush my hair.
When l reached school, everywhere was quiet. I guessed classes had started.
l entered the class as everyone whimper making unnecessary noises.
l just rolled my eyes.
Miss Ciara,my mathematics tutor was just staring at me with a frown.
"Miss Grande, you have detention after school"
l smiled to myself because I knew it wasn't new too me.
l never missed detention no matter how had l tried.
l moved to the back and l took my seat as l saw Bianca and her friends giving me a f..k you sign.
I just didn't mind. Actually Bianca and l don't get along because she thinks her boyfriend Stephen cheats on her with me.
This is really ridiculous but what can l say. She is the real cheat.
Always with different kind of guys. Only God know what she wants in a man.
it's was break as l moved to the cafeteria and ordered yogurt and sandwich.
l just by the chair as l had my meal looking at everyone.
Camstars High is a school for the rich but I don't know why mom brought me here.
l just hate here. I missed my old friends especially Trisha and Sharon.
The only thing l like in this school is the seniors quarters. it's really a cool place and l can't wait to have my breakfast there soon.
"Hi....",a voice distract me. it was a girl with her hair more messy than mine.
"Hi.... ",l tried to put on a smile.
"I'm Emily..."
"Amora...",l nodded.
"Can l sit by you?"
"Yes.. .."
"I guess you came to this school recently?"
"Yes.. ."
"I will be glad if we become friends"
"And l would love that..."
Suddenly the cafeteria was quiet. What's happening? l wonder what's going on?
Everyone turns their heads to their right direction as the girls were blushing and giggling.
Some were like "He is here...."
"Oh my Prince Charming has arrived"
"He is so handsome.."
What is wrong with the girls in this school.
Everyone made way as he was coming through and there l saw him.
He was handsome. l mean beautiful. l admit l have seen handsome guys but this one is different.
He is just perfect.
And from no where Bianca wrapped her arms around his neck while his were on her waist and to my surprise they kissed.
Well I'm glad l wasn't the only only girl surprise. l rolled my eyes at them.
l can't believe l don't know this guy but I'm really jealous at the sight of seeing him with another girl. l guess this is my first time of feeling such a way.
"Who is he?",l asked.
"You don't know him?",she asked as l nodded no.
"He is Ryan Jones and he is the richest guy in the school.
But he's asthmatic and has a hole in his heart. Everyone likes Ryan. He is every girl dreams but he doesn't take any girl. That's his bestie ",as she point to the seniors quarters.
The guy was also hot and more cute.. I was breathless.
l guess this school has a lot of handsome guys.
"He is Kelvin Hopkins.... He is also rich like hell and had dated a lot of girls but he's asthmatic aswell..
"Really" l sipped my juice
"Yes.. . l sipped my juice again and l realized the juice was finished.
"That's sad.... "
"I know...."
"Erm.... can you stay here. l need to get another juice"
"Okay.. ..",she answered.
Her hands wrapped around my neck as she kissed me. Well that was hot but l know how jealous some girls were but I didn't care.
If you ask me how l ask Bianca to be my girlfriend... well then l have no answer to that.
Bianca and l never had anything in common. She liked me and l like her a lot and we had s--x and that was it. We started dating. The real truth is l don't love her.
l just f--k her at my own will.
"Baby....",she distracts my thought giving me a peck on my cheeks.
"I was wondering if you and me go out tonight?",she said again.
"Bianca.. I'm really busy. I can't make it"
"Why do you always do this?"
"What do i do?"
"Nowadays you just shut me out for no reason",she said softly.
l closed my eyes to calm myself down.
"l don't shut you out"
"Then what do you think you are doing"
"Nothing....",as l tried to leave but her hand grasp my wrist.
"l want to know..."
"Okay.. .. Well your ex-boyfriend has been threatening me to leave you alone and I think if not possible we might end this relationship by the end of this week"
"No no.... you can't do this..."
"l know. Can you please excuse me to think..."
"Okay...",and slowly she lets go.
l was walking to meet my bestfriend when she hit while the drink spilled on my shirt.
"What the......",l trailed off.
"I'm sorry but l didn't meant it. I just wasn't looking",her voice shaky.
Anger shot through me. She really needs some scolding.
l raised my head to look at her and suddenly my anger vanished. My heart pounded and l smiled at the thought of seeing her.
She is really beautiful. Breath taking but it's just her hair was messy. My stomach chimed and l smiled more.
"I'm sorry.... Are you okay?",she asked with concern.
"No no... don't worry. I'm fine..."
"Okay... I'm really sorry once again",and then she left.
l couldn't stop looking at her. I just wish l knew her name. Actually l haven't seen her here before.
l want to know more about her..