

Hey, can you see me? Yes I'm here.

Feelings? I don't think it's right to blurt them out, but sometimes... It's hard. It's like I'm a bottle of emotions that is full of toxic aliments.

What? You want to hear these feelings? Ok, but I warn you, these feelings hurt. That's my only warning.

So, these feelings are like needles. Or spiders. They crawl all over you, they make you wiggle and writhe in the inside and out. It hurts. And you can't breathe. You don't know what to do. All you can do is hide it, til you blow up and get angry at people you 'love'. However, do you really love them? You say you do, but you were told to love them, because of whatever reason.

Yeah? You love your family? I guess that's reasonable. Despite them saying they love you, what way do they show you love? Ignoring you, not hearing you on purpose? Not answering your calls? Yes that's love. It's crazy isn't it?

Like welts, you'll try to hide the fact that they don't really care. You hide everything just to not get hurt, but you still do, don't you? You cry everyday, because of something they said or did. You scream and punch into your pillow, silently cursing what they don't admit to.

Yes? Yes to what? It's not the end of your dues. This was never the end. Whether you get over it, it'll always come back. You'll always find your way back here. Despite hating it, it's always going to protect you from their lies.

Oh? What about me? I'm always going to be here.

Did you forget? I am you.