

Love Potion - Part I
The news was all over .... that a scientist - Mr Hamlton Baron had invented the love potion.. The news was flashing where the Mr Baron was giving interview.. He said, " Today nothing is impossible for the science to make,the love Potion only consists of dopamine, seratonin and oxytocin which are some of the hormones in our body, if the proportion is correct then only the potion can be made otherwise it can have adverse effects on the mental health of a person...Love which is considered a deep, tender feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship or a sense of oneness according to the definition of science. I have figured out during when we are in love certain hormones are released in our body causing the attraction or love to be stronger. Usually the effect of one dose of love potion is there for around 10-15 days, but then you have to give other dose of the love potion or the effect of love will end... It can be also used on a person who is who is not attracted towards you, but you make him or her fall for you !", completed Mr Barton....
Then after the Love Potion started to sell like anything , as everyone wanted it...
- Feel_through_words

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