

Buy Good Drugs to Goodbye Drugs - Introduction
You paid for the ticket, so I hope you enjoy the ride. God knows I did. God also
knows I didn’t. To be quite honest, the last four years of my life have been an
absolute shit show. A proverbial bare knuckle boxing match with my demons, and
others’ demons as well. I got knocked around, I got knocked down, I got down
and dirty, and I got back up, time and time again. One thing I’ve never done, was
give up on myself, or give up loving myself. Most importantly, I found my way
back home, to the ones who never gave up on me, and never stopped loving me.
My daughter, my parents, my brothers, my grandmother, my relatives, they all
stood staunchly at my side. Even at my most desperate of hours, when I thought I
had no one, or nothing, I had everything I needed. I just didn’t know it. What I
had was their hopes, their thoughts, and their prayers. Something else I had,
which I now hold as the most invaluable key to my continued recovery and
sobriety, is I had...