

Friendship code of honer
Friendship code of honour
Janes & Sharron Friendship & memories with love xxxx

If you are lucky enough to find your sole mate in a great friend like my self and my bff Sharron who have been friends for 23 year's. Sharron is not just a friend she is my sole mate. I love this woman I would walk to the end of the earth even through the fiery pits of hell if she need me. I have the greatest respect for this old wise woman.

1- follow instructions take the vow of Forever Friend's & Making Memories
2 - Make loads of great memories Because memories live forever.
3-Trust with your life & allways respect ones friend decision even when you disagree.
4-Memorise the friendship
you must stand on your doorstep when very drunk at the early hours of the morning, Take a deep breath and shout at the top of your lungs HELP HELP for no apparent reason just because your intoxicated. Your friend will be guaranteed to be jumping over your fence to help you within seconds with a worried look on there face, but be aware not all bff’s want to be a supperfrend & can get mad at you for using this call.
5-Always look up to your taller and older friend as it is very rude not to give eye contact when spoken to
6-when visiting your bff to save your seat you must place your nickers on the floor neatly making sure there right beside sleeping boyfriend, before leaving collect on return placing back into pocket. unless when you return to your place you find your bff hart broken as she found strange underwear that's fallen from partners pocket !!
7-Shop till you drop
8-dance till your feet hurt & drink brandy and be merry
9-when singing on karaoke you stomp feet loudly swung your hips in a dance like movement and swing arms in air
10-when taking a drunken trip don’t forget the peeing possession Stand in front of bff’s mum then pull one's pants down facing fat arce into mothers face then pee….
11-when needed be kind and give your shoulder to cry on be supportive and understanding/ only use the foot up the back side in sever cases of perthitic ness.


Jane Hudson. 👀. .