

A Melody Unheard
The only reason I believe in love is because of the way I love. It’s a magical force that surges through my veins, igniting my soul like a flame that never extinguishes. Love, I’ve come to discover, is not simply a fleeting emotion or a mere concept. No, love is the very essence of who I am, the core that sustains me in this vast universe.

Like a kaleidoscope, my love takes on infinite hues and patterns, each more exquisite than the last. It is a symphony, a melody composed by the universe itself, waiting to be heard by those whose hearts are open to receive its divine notes. It is love that fuels my every breath, propels me forward in this grand dance of existence.

I love in the way the morning sun caresses the earth, nurturing the sprouting blooms and warming the chilled hearts. It is in the tender embrace of a mother, cradling her newborn against her chest, offering a sanctuary of love and protection. I love in the laughter of children, their innocent joy creating ripples of warmth that touch the deepest recesses of my being.

But love is not confined to the whimsical realms of beauty and joy. It is in the quiet shadows and the darkest corners that love truly reveals its power. I love in the tears that stain mourners’ cheeks, their sorrow a testament to the love they held for those departed. Love resides also in the trembling voice of a friend, offering solace and strength through the most tumultuous times.

Love is not blind, but rather it is all-seeing. It peers into the depths of my soul and finds the beauty that lies hidden within. I love in the mistakes I've made, in the flaws that make me human. Love teaches me to forgive myself, to embrace my imperfections and tenderly nurture my growth. It is the whispered encouragement in my ear, compelling me to reach for the stars and believe in my own infinite potential.

I love with a passion that defies the boundaries of time and space, a love that transcends mere mortal existence. It is the guiding force that weaves its intricate tapestry, connecting us all in an intricate dance of interconnectedness. Through love, I am intertwined with every being in this vast cosmos, creating a symphony of interconnected souls that echoes throughout eternity.

Yet, it is not only in loving others that I find solace and purpose. Love, in its boundless wisdom, teaches me to love myself. To care for my own well-being, to embrace my own desires and dreams. I love in the way I embrace the silence, seeking solace within the depths of my own soul. It is an intimate affair, a conversation between me and the universe, a love affair with my own existence.

The only reason I believe in love is because of the way I love. It is more than a fleeting emotion or a fleeting desire. It is a cosmic force that binds us together, transcending time and space. So, I will continue to love with all that I am, for it is in love that I discover the true essence of my being. In this symphony of love, I find my purpose, my connection to all that is. And in this love, I find both the music and the dance of life.
© Jevanjee