

I saw her sitting down not far from me. She wore a long gown and I drown by just watching her smile. She is pretty. She is pretty the way she comb her hair, the way she smile, and the way her eyes sparkling in happiness.

I can't take my eyes of her. Is this really worth it? If I ask for her hand and to dance with me-- is it worth it? I sigh and just forget the thoughts.

As I reach her she look at me with his confuse eyes. I smile as she frown because even if she did it she is still really pretty.

I am whipped already?

I don't even know.

"May I ask for this dance?" She look at me and she look at her friends too who encourage her to dance with me.

She nodded and take my hands as well, I drag her softly into the dance floor and everyone stopped for a moment and it feels like my world is complete just my hands being held by someone who I really don't know deeply.

"You are pretty.." I whisper as I fix her hair. She smile even more.

"T-thank you.." She is shy and I can sense that. We just dance when she broke the silence."Why are you asking for my hand? I mean-- there's still a lot of girls who's worthy to dance with.."

"You are more than just a worth it.." She stop and gasp. I smile and hold her waist even more.

If it's illegal to found someone really pretty-- then, put me in jail and charge me guilty because I am ready to be criminal just for this. Just for a one dance.


"Earth has gravity." He said out of nowhere. I look at him as he look at my eyes, deeply.

"Yes, why?" Why are they talking about gravity now? I wanted to laugh but he is serious.

"Then, why I am still falling with you?" His words made me stop again for a moment and I feel my heart beats so fast.

I didn't know him and I am not a kind of girl who will accept someone's hand especially when I just met, but there's something on him that I can't even say no.

"That's so lame.." I laugh softly but I stopped again as he touch my chin, that move made me look at him.

"You know what's the date today?" I shook my head, almost drowning by his blue eyes.

"W-why you asking?" I said nervously. I am not use to this kind of feeling. I parted my lips to release the feeling I wanted to release.

"Today is April 15 of two thousand and thirteen, when I met a girl who made my heart beats so fast, when I met a girl who I think I am in love with.. A beautiful girl who make me fall even just by looking at her face."

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